
Pharazyn, Edward, 1835-1890 :For diver's reasons. No. 11. Support from sugar, blankets, flour all gone; They've not been left a leg to stand upon. The Wellington Advertiser supplement, 19 November 1881.

Pharazyn, Edward, 1835-1890 :For diver's reasons. No. 11. Support from sugar, blankets, flour all gone; They've not been left a leg to stand upon. The Wellington Advertiser supplement, 19 November 1881.
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Pharazyn, Edward, 1835-1890 :For diver's reasons. No. 11. Support from sugar, blankets, flour all gone; They've not been left a leg to stand upon. The Wellington Advertiser supplement, 19 November 1881.
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Alexander Turnbull Library

John Bryce in military uniform, sawing through the leg of a recumbent Maori man. The leg is marked 'flour' and the other leg, marked 'Sugar' has already been removed. A chopping block with axe and chisel are in the foreground, a palm tree to the right. In the background is an exaggerated version of Mount Taranaki, with four military tents in a field and three men ploughing the ground beyond a fence on the right. The cartoon is a reference to the Government's treatment of the Maori passive re...

Date created
Pharazyn, Edward, 1835-1890 / Turnbull, Alexander Horsburgh, 1868-1918
Mount Taranaki or Mount Egmont / Parihaka Pā / Parihaka
Related subjects
Bryce, John (Hon), 1833-1913 / Daily advertiser and Wellington register (Newspaper) / Axes / Cabinet ministers / Doggerel / Flour / Māori (New Zealand people) / Land tenure / New Zealand / Taranaki Region / Military camps / Military uniforms / Parihaka Incident, N.Z., 1881 / Passive resistance / Ploughing / Saws / Sugar / Surgery / Torture / Mount Taranaki or Mount Egmont / Parihaka Pā

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