Lonesome Telephones

A DigitalNZ Story by Ashleigh

Sometimes people try and try to get you on the telephone, and they say the number doesn't answer. I'm not just saying that to help myself; that really happens. You know that really happens, God. Oh, God, keep me away from that telephone. ― Dorothy Parker, A Telephone Call

Image: Rotary telephone

Rotary telephone

Alexander Turnbull Library

Image: Telephone


Alexander Turnbull Library

Image: Telephone receiver for picture puzzle

Telephone receiver for picture puzzle

Alexander Turnbull Library

Image: The telephone box war

The telephone box war

Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage

Image: Telephone


Alexander Turnbull Library

Image: Telephone, Toy

Telephone, Toy

Puke Ariki

Image: Telephone


Puke Ariki