New stories from our content partners
Posted on 17 November 2023 by Kelly
We'd like to highlight three new stories from our content partners that promote items in their own and other DigitalNZ collections.
If you're feeling inspired to create your own story but don't know where to start, email for more information. We're available to give an online talk about creating DigitalNZ stories if this is something that your team or a community group may be interested in.
This story, Homosexual law reform in Aotearoa New Zealand by PrideNZ, was created to mark the anniversary of the passing of the the Homosexual Law Reform Bill on 9 July 1986.

This story, Remembering Te Pāhautanga o Parihaka by Wellington City Libraries, is a collection of online resources that link the stories of Parihaka, Te Whiti o Rongomai and Tohu Kākahi.

And this story, Music posters by Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections, is a selection of 180 posters of the 1156 posters that have recently been digitised and added to Kura Heritage Collections Online. Auckland Libraries have shared the story on social media and are asking people to get in touch if they have more information about the posters.

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