Newsflash: DigitalNZ reveals bold new moves
Posted on 21 August 2017 by Admin
Kia ora koutou,
Today we have some fabulous news, and most likely you’re reading this having already spotted our very new look – how could you not? DigitalNZ is the same, but different. We’ve been in the process of adding features, improving our accessibility and as always making things easier for you to find. As you’ll see the site is looking fresh, bright and clean. You may be in shock, you may feel you’ve landed in the wrong place, but we assure you, this is indeed DigitalNZ.
Alison Snodgrass and Richard Fenn in 'New Moon' at the Tauranga Town Hall, 1964, from Tauranga City Libraries.
So what’s new?
Our face is a little different. We’ve kept our search bar right where you need it, top and centre of the site – it’s what you come to DigitalNZ for.
Our beloved “Sets” tool has now evolved to become “Stories”. The Story function gives you the opportunity to keep collecting items as you move through DigitalNZ, but you’ll be able to write notes, or long texts to accompany your items, making them into a “Story”. You’ll also be able to move the items in your Stories around and order them as you wish, you can create titles and add them to your items, and you can choose what item you’d like to be the main image for your Story.
We also know that DigitalNZ has a lot of material within its digital walls; and filtering that information allows you to get to the nuggets of content that can help your research, or inspire a new project. That’s why you can now add multiple filters to your search, combining date, usage, content partner and collection for the most accurate search.
We’re mobile. We know you’re on the run, and need to find information on the go, so we’re now mobile-friendly. Not all the site’s features are available from your mobile, but you can search easily, and we are refining what you can do all the time. In fact, we’ve some handy release notes that tell you everything that’s still “work in progress”.
DigitalNZ has had a lot of work done to upgrade it, front of house and behind the scenes, but we are still refining elements, and we’d love your feedback on everything DigitalNZ. There’s a “feedback” button at the bottom of your screen, on the right-hand-side; please use this button to capture any feedback you have about the site – it will take a screen shot of what you’re looking at, add your comments, and then we’ll have a better understanding of what’s working, and what’s needing improvement.
Thank you! DigitalNZ is a resource for you, and it’s made possible by the wonderful content partners that share their digital items with us, so you can scour everything NZ in one easy place. We really value your feedback; we read your emails, see you your Tweets, we love it when you like our Facebook posts, and most importantly we really think about your feedback and it does shape our work.
Best wishes from a tired, but also exhilarated DigitalNZ team!
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