The DigitalNZ Day
Posted on 18 November 2015 by Fiona
On 15 October, over 40 people gathered at the National Library of New Zealand in Wellington, to take part in DigitalNZ Day. This day was a forum for people to share their thoughts on the future of DigitalNZ and talk about how DigitalNZ could work more collaboratively.
In the first part of the day the DigitalNZ team presented on our progress in 2015, with a deep dive into some key pieces of our work:
values research
people concepts
and the work we've been doing with several organisations to develop a prototype collaborative community repository service.
For the latter, we are testing whether we can deliver the National Library of New Zealand's existing APNK Kete features through an updated DigitalNZ interface. This service will provide a community view of local content and the ability to build and share community heritage stories. This detailed screencast of the prototype shows you how it might work:
Over the afternoon attendees workshopped potential areas of focus and collaboration for DigitalNZ. Together we looked at areas where we might be able to collaborate more, and worked out some priority action areas. Including:
Data and systems
Online experience
Content strategy and metadata
Community outreach
Make it Digital
Workshopping the future plans for the Make It Digital service.
It was a fun, highly collaborative and fruitful day. The output from the workshop is informing our 2016 work plan. However, we know that many of our partners and stakeholders weren’t able to make it. So here’s your chance to tell us what you think we should be doing. We’ve turned on the commenting function on the DigitalNZ Day notes (Google Document) and we thoroughly welcome your thoughts, questions, and suggestions. Of course, if you’d prefer to contact us directly you are welcome to email us anytime at
We've turned off comments here, but we'd still love to know your thoughts. Visit us on our Facebook Page @digitalnz or on Twitter @DigitalNZ to share any ideas or musings with the DigitalNZ team.