
Établissement des missionnaires anglais a Kidikidi, (Nouvelle-Zélande.) (English missionary settlement at Kerikeri, New Zealand)

Établissement des missionnaires anglais a Kidikidi, (Nouvelle-Zélande.) (English missionary settlement at Kerikeri, New Zealand)
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Établissement des missionnaires anglais a Kidikidi, (Nouvelle-Zélande.) (English missionary settlement at Kerikeri, New Zealand)
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Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Te Papa Collections Online

This hand-coloured stipple engraving records the voyage to the 'South Seas' of the corvette La Coquille under the command of Louis Isidore Duperrey (1786-1865) and his deputy Jules Dumont D'Urville during the years 1822-1825. It is plate 43 in the eight-volume Voyage autour du monde published by Arthus Bertrand (1826) and is based on an 1824 watercolour by Louis Lejeune and Antoine Chazal which were in turn engraved by Ambroise Tardieu (1788-1841). The purpose of the voyage was not explorator...

Date created
Antoine Chazal / Louis François Lejeune / Ambroise Tardieu
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Kerikeri (New Zealand) / paper / ink / watercolour / prints / aquatints / works on paper / aquatint / engraving / hand colouring / Missionaries

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