
Kaleidoscope - NZ Cinema, the Past Decade

Kaleidoscope - NZ Cinema, the Past Decade
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Kaleidoscope - NZ Cinema, the Past Decade
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NZ On Screen
NZ On Screen

This Kaleidoscope documentary timed in with the release of Nicholas Reid’s book A Decade of New Zealand Cinema. The book cherrypicked Reid's favourites from the renaissance in local movies that began with Sleeping Dogs in 1977. Reid and a who’s who of local filmmakers discuss many of the 50+ features from the previous decade (with Bruno Lawrence ever present). They ponder the uniqueness (or otherwise) of Kiwi film. A fondness for rural and small town settings, and forceful, often conflicted, ...

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nz film industry / cinema / the quiet earth / alison parr / rewi's last stand / 1987 / 1980s / 80s / eighties / utu / wild horses / nz cinema / smash palace / heart of the stag / bruno lawrence / new zealand cinema / new zealand accent / nz accent / new zealand culture / sylvia / footrot flats / film critic / came a hot friday / trial run / trespasses / skin deep / bad blood / sleeping dogs / vigil / janet frame / a state of seige / goodbye pork pie / box office / filmmaking / filmmakers / film / cinema history / pork pie / feature film / maori film / maori filmmaking / ngati / mauri / patu! / mr wrong / melanie reid / illustrious energy / new zealand history / art films / queen city rocker / culture / identity / new zealand identity / rural new zealand / urban new zealand / masculinity / new zealand art / directors / producers / small town new zealand / māori film / māori filmmaking / māori filmmaker / women in film / arts show / national identity / arthouse / rudall hayward / john o'shea / movies / behind the scenes / film set / actors / seventies / 70s / nicholas reid / making of / quiet earth / patu

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