
The world's verdict on Germany. These people took up the original challenge of Germany in August 1914 / These people have shown their complete understanding of the German menace by joining the Entente / These people have shewn their indignant horror at Germany's repeated violation of the laws of humanity by severing diplomatic relations. Wyman & Sons Ltd, London and Reading [ca 1915].

The world's verdict on Germany. These people took up the original challenge of Germany in August 1914 / These people have shown their complete understanding of the German menace by joining the Entente / These people have shewn their indignant horror at Germany's repeated violation of the laws of humanity by severing diplomatic relations. Wyman & Sons Ltd, London and Reading [ca 1915].
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The world's verdict on Germany. These people took up the original challenge of Germany in August 1914 / These people have shown their complete understanding of the German menace by joining the Entente / These people have shewn their indignant horror at Germany's repeated violation of the laws of humanity by severing diplomatic relations. Wyman & Sons Ltd, London and Reading [ca 1915].
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Alexander Turnbull Library

Shows flags grouped into three groups. each with ten or twelve flags in it. New Zealand is in the first group. The countries involved are: Group 1: Russia, Australia, France, South Africa, Belgium, New Zealand, Great Britain, Serbia, India, Montenegro, Canada, Japan. Group 2: Portugal, Siam, Italy, Liberia, Roumania, Greece, United States, China, Cuba, Panama, Brazil. Group 3: Bolivia, San Domingo, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, Peru, Nicaragua, Uraguay [sic], Hayti [sic], Ecuador

Date created
1915 - 1916
Wyman & Sons Ltd (Great Britain)
Related subjects
World War, 1914-1918 / Germany / Foreign relations / Great Britain / Diplomatic history / Flags

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