
"After you've used me for sex and had your meal, will you let me go and exercise my right to a democratic free and fair vote in the Afghan election?" 20 August 2009

"After you've used me for sex and had your meal, will you let me go and exercise my right to a democratic free and fair vote in the Afghan election?" 20 August 2009
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"After you've used me for sex and had your meal, will you let me go and exercise my right to a democratic free and fair vote in the Afghan election?" 20 August 2009
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Alexander Turnbull Library

An Afghani woman in full burqa stands shackled to a mattress beside which is a heap of cooking equipment. Her husband, armed to the teeth, stands nearby and appears shocked as she begs his permission to vote after he has used her for sex and had his meal. Refers to the Afghan bill permitting a husband to starve his wife if she refuses to have sex which has become law. Critics accuse Mr Karzai of selling out Afghan women for the sake of conservative Shia support ahead of the presidential elect...

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Karzai, Hamid, 1957- / Afghanistan / Politics and government / Rape in marriage / Burqas (Islamic clothing) / Women / Social conditions

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