
Barraud, Charles Decimus, 1822-1897 :[Te Puni seated in a whare in Pito-one Pa] N. Z. 1860

Barraud, Charles Decimus, 1822-1897 :[Te Puni seated in a whare in Pito-one Pa] N. Z. 1860
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Barraud, Charles Decimus, 1822-1897 :[Te Puni seated in a whare in Pito-one Pa] N. Z. 1860
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Alexander Turnbull Library

Shows the interior of a whare, with a white-bearded Maori man sitting on the ground beside a fire, a small dog asleep on the ground beside him. A taiaha leans on the wall at the left, and on the far wall hangs a kete and a musket. The man wears a dogskin cloak and an earring. Through the open doorway can be seen a canoe drawn up on the shore of Wellington Harbour, and a group of three figures (two kneeling, apparently blowing on a fire below a cauldron) close to a gap in the fence of wooden s...

Date created
Barraud, Charles Decimus, 1822-1897
Petone / Pipitea Pā / Pipitea Point / Pito-one Pā / Wellington Harbour / Port Nicholson / Wellington Harbour
Related subjects
Te Puni-kokopu, Honiana, -1870 / Campfires / Dogs / New Zealand / Wellington Region / Kahu huruhuru / Kete / Koroua / Māori (New Zealand people) / Dwellings / Food / Older men / / Taiaha / Waka / Petone / Pipitea Pā / Pipitea Point / Pito-one Pā / Wellington Harbour / Port Nicholson

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