
Saxton, John Waring 1806-1866 :The town and part of the harbour of Nelson in 1842, about a year after its first foundation / drawn by John Saxton Esqr; Day & Haghe lithrs. London, Smith Elder & Co., [1845]. [Central section]

Saxton, John Waring 1806-1866 :The town and part of the harbour of Nelson in 1842, about a year after its first foundation / drawn by John Saxton Esqr; Day & Haghe lithrs. London, Smith Elder & Co., [1845]. [Central section]
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Saxton, John Waring 1806-1866 :The town and part of the harbour of Nelson in 1842, about a year after its first foundation / drawn by John Saxton Esqr; Day & Haghe lithrs. London, Smith Elder & Co., [1845]. [Central section]
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Alexander Turnbull Library

Shows and names important features: Printing Office of the Nelson Examiner, jail, immigration barracks, survey office, church, hospital, courthouse, government offices, bank, and several private dwellings and other landmarks. Also shows surveyors at work, settlers camping, building a house and working the land. John Saxton arrived in Nelson in 1842. Inscriptions: Recto - above image - THE TOWN AND PART OF THE HARBOUR OF NELSON IN 1842, about a Year after its first foundation.; Recto - above...

Date created
1842 - 1845
Saxton, John Waring, 1807-1866
Nelson / Nelson City
Related subjects
McDonald, Alexander, 1811-1888 / Nelson examiner and New Zealand chronicle (Newspaper) / Reay, Charles Lucas (Rev), 1810?-1848 / Thompson, Henry Augustus, 1804-1843 / Tuckett, Frederick, 1807?-1876 / Young, William Curling, 1815-1842 / Banks and banking / New Zealand / Nelson Region / Building / Clearing of land / Cooking / Courts / Dikes (Engineering) / Dwellings / Hospitals / Laundry / Nelson Region (N.Z.) / Emigration and immigration / Newspapers / Printing / Prisons / Public buildings / Surveying / Tents / Nelson

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