
Women voting restrictive laws such as No-License or Dominion Prohibition surely stultify themselves and give away not only their liberty of action, but practically admit, that, unlike the women of any other country, the wives and mothers and sisters in our fair Dominion Confess Their lack of Influence through affectionate control over their own household, and over the hearts and minds of their men folk. Assert yourselves and strike out the bottom lines. Coulls, Culling & Co., Ltd, Wellington [1911]

Women voting restrictive laws such as No-License or Dominion Prohibition surely stultify themselves and give away not only their liberty of action, but practically admit, that, unlike the women of any other country, the wives and mothers and sisters in our fair Dominion Confess Their lack of Influence through affectionate control over their own household, and over the hearts and minds of their men folk. Assert yourselves and strike out the bottom lines. Coulls, Culling & Co., Ltd, Wellington [1911]
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Women voting restrictive laws such as No-License or Dominion Prohibition surely stultify themselves and give away not only their liberty of action, but practically admit, that, unlike the women of any other country, the wives and mothers and sisters in our fair Dominion Confess Their lack of Influence through affectionate control over their own household, and over the hearts and minds of their men folk. Assert yourselves and strike out the bottom lines. Coulls, Culling & Co., Ltd, Wellington [1911]
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Alexander Turnbull Library

Two copies held. One copy has a note to indicate that it was issued for the 1911 general elections. Quantity: 1 colour photo-mechanical print(s). Physical Description: Relief print, on sheet 285 x 220 mm.

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Coulls, Culling & Company
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Liquor laws / Drinking of alcoholic beverages / Man-woman relationships / Voting / Women / Suffrage / New Zealand. Parliament / Elections, 1911 / Social role / Social conditions

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