
Le Breton, Louis Auguste Marie, 1818-1866 :Pirogue double des missionnaires (Ile Vavao). Dessine par L. Le Breton. Lith. par Sabatier. Paris. Gide Editeur. Imp. Lemercier, Paris, [1846].

Le Breton, Louis Auguste Marie, 1818-1866 :Pirogue double des missionnaires (Ile Vavao). Dessine par L. Le Breton. Lith. par Sabatier. Paris. Gide Editeur. Imp. Lemercier, Paris, [1846].
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Le Breton, Louis Auguste Marie, 1818-1866 :Pirogue double des missionnaires (Ile Vavao). Dessine par L. Le Breton. Lith. par Sabatier. Paris. Gide Editeur. Imp. Lemercier, Paris, [1846].
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Alexander Turnbull Library

A close-up broadside view of a large double-hulled Tongan canoe with a large covered cabin and sail, being sailed by Tongan men. Another similar canoe with a sail is in the left background, with land and coconut palms further left and to the right. Dumont d'Urville's two ships, the Astrolabe and Zelee, can be seen in the left background. Other Titles - Canoe of the missionaries, Vava'u Island [translation] Tonga Quantity: 1 b&w art print(s). Physical Description: Lithograph, black and whit...

Date created
1840 - 1846
Le Breton, Louis Auguste Marie, 1818-1866 / A Gide, active 1846 / Sabatier, Leon Jean-Baptiste, -1887
Related subjects
Astrolabe (Ship) / La Zelee (Ship) / Missionaries / Tonga / Canoes and canoeing / Vava'u

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