
Messenger, Arthur Herbert, 1877-1962 :Mauku - Church and military camp, 1863. 1922

Messenger, Arthur Herbert, 1877-1962 :Mauku - Church and military camp, 1863. 1922
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Messenger, Arthur Herbert, 1877-1962 :Mauku - Church and military camp, 1863. 1922
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Alexander Turnbull Library

Shows a view, after a sketch by G. Norbury in 1863, of a fortified St Bride's Church, Mauku, surrounded by a tent encampment. The camp was the right wing of the Movable Column, generally known as the Flying Column, commanded by Colonel Marmaduke Nixon, and consisting of Imperial troops and Militia. In this scene they are engaged in patrol duty. A farmer passes through the encampment leading four oxen pulling a cart. The Flying Column flag flies to the right of the church, bearing the initials...

Date created
1863 - 1922
Messenger, Arthur Herbert, 1877-1962 / Norbury, G W, active 1863
Related subjects
Nixon, Marmaduke George, 1814?-1864 / St. Bride's Church (Mauku, N.Z.) / Military camps / New Zealand / Auckland Region / Soldiers / New Zealand Wars, 1860-1872 / Campaigns / Anglican church buildings / Flags / Bullocks / Farmers / Mauku

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