
[Carr Advertising Studios] :You'll like Mosgiel scarves. They're warm, comfortable and smartly styled. Mosgiel; since 1871 the greatest name in woollens [1950s?]

[Carr Advertising Studios] :You'll like Mosgiel scarves. They're warm, comfortable and smartly styled. Mosgiel; since 1871 the greatest name in woollens [1950s?]
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[Carr Advertising Studios] :You'll like Mosgiel scarves. They're warm, comfortable and smartly styled. Mosgiel; since 1871 the greatest name in woollens [1950s?]
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Alexander Turnbull Library

Poster advertising a woollen product shows a smiling man in a camel-coloured overcoat, with a tartan scarf draped around his neck. He wears a shirt and tie, and holds a pipe in his right hand. The Mosgiel logo is at top left, and black Scottie terrier mascot is at lower left. The verso has an all-over pattern with the logo of Fred W Carr, Carr Advertising, Auckland. Date estimated from the fact that the man is holding a pipe, popular in the 1950s. See also the note about designer Fred W Car...

Date created
1950 - 1959
Mosgiel Woollen Factory Company / Carr Advertising Studios Ltd
Related subjects
Scarves / Tartans / Men's clothing / Scottish terrier / Tobacco pipes

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