
Wellington Corporation Tramways :3/- ticket, available for twelve transfer rides between Kaiwarra and Cuba Street. No. 6847. Tramway service; trackless service [ca 1924]

Wellington Corporation Tramways :3/- ticket, available for twelve transfer rides between Kaiwarra and Cuba Street. No. 6847. Tramway service; trackless service [ca 1924]
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Wellington Corporation Tramways :3/- ticket, available for twelve transfer rides between Kaiwarra and Cuba Street. No. 6847. Tramway service; trackless service [ca 1924]
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Alexander Turnbull Library

Three shilling ticket with numerous clips, and an ink signature. Wording states: "This ticket will not be accepted if torn or defaced, and must be shown on demand. Issued subject to Tramway By-laws and Regulations". A trackless tram was introduced from Kaiwarra to Thorndon in September 1924. The fact that this is called a "transfer ride" may mean that one transferred from the trackless car to a tram on a track to complete the journey from Thorndon to Cuba Street. Exhibited in ‘Humble: the l...

Date created
Wellington City Tramways Company Ltd
Kaiwharawhara / Cuba Street
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Transportation / Passenger traffic / Kaiwharawhara / Cuba Street

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