
The sketches on this pace show ub typical, gowns of fonr different kinds, all of tnom of considerable interest, representing as < they do distinct noVeities in the way of walking, evening, and wedding toilettes. ��� ��� The walking costume on the left, has a kind of polonaise top in fawn-coloured cloth, edged with a handsome bordering of golden beaver. The draperies are turned baok and drawn up high at the bacs, beine fastened in their place by ornaments in goldenbrown passementerie. The underskirt is in fawn cloth, with linings of faille franqdise, and on the left side there 1�� nlaleedan elaborate ornament m silk cord, reaching to the hem f th-i. skirt. The hat is in fawn-coloured felt to match,, the brim being- ; jveced with golden beaver, and the high crown trimmed at i eb jk, with a mound of feathers to correspond. The second drawing shows us a highly original evening bodice known as the "corsage k I'lneroya.ble. Tne cut-away coat is in a uceel-blue plush, with wide stripes of faille franqake. The vest, turns back at the top with a wide-pointed lappel, is made in an old-fashioned brocade, haying brightly-coloured flowers upon a cream ground. The full lace stock is particularly, characteristic of this French coat, the raffles in the sleeves being of the same kind of lace. The bridesmaid's gown, which occupies the centre of the page, is a delightful combination in two shades of green. The bodice is made in moss-green plush, stripes of plush being fastened .across the figure with large buttons over a kind of chemisette of satin .: merveilleux in the palest shade of eau de Ml. The narrow aidepanel on the left of the skirt, as well as the ornament which secures the drapery, are made in moss-green plush, while the entire remainder of the skirt is in eau de Nil satin merveilleux, arranged in long f iill folds, in the graceful fashion indicated in the sketch. The bridal gown is one of rare elegance and beauty, although the style is simplicity itself. The petticoat is in rich faille frangaise, arranged in one very wide pleat, alternating with a . i number of narrow folds. The sides of thi�� petticoat are veiled with a wing-shaped pointed drapery of lace, ti.e plain tight-fitting bodies and the long train being made in a very handsome velours fried. ��� (Observer, 13 March 1886)

The sketches on this pace show ub typical, gowns of fonr different kinds, all of tnom of considerable interest, representing as < they do distinct noVeities in the way of walking, evening, and wedding toilettes. ��� ���  The walking costume on the left, has a kind of polonaise top in fawn-coloured cloth, edged with a handsome bordering of golden beaver. The draperies are turned baok and drawn up high at the bacs, beine fastened in their place by ornaments in goldenbrown passementerie. The underskirt is in fawn cloth, with linings of faille franqdise, and on the left side there 1�� nlaleedan elaborate ornament m silk cord, reaching to the hem f th-i. skirt. The hat is in fawn-coloured felt to match,, the brim being- ; jveced with golden beaver, and the high crown trimmed at i eb jk, with a mound of feathers to correspond.  The second drawing shows us a highly original evening bodice known as the "corsage k I'lneroya.ble. Tne cut-away coat is in a uceel-blue plush, with wide stripes of faille franqake. The vest, turns back at the top with a wide-pointed lappel, is made in an old-fashioned brocade, haying brightly-coloured flowers  upon a cream ground. The full lace stock is particularly, characteristic of this French coat, the raffles in the sleeves being of the same kind of lace.  The bridesmaid's gown, which occupies the centre of the page, is a delightful combination in two shades of green. The bodice is made in moss-green plush, stripes of plush being fastened .across the figure with large buttons over a kind of chemisette of satin .:  merveilleux in the palest shade of eau de Ml. The narrow aidepanel on the left of the skirt, as well as the ornament which secures the drapery, are made in moss-green plush, while the entire remainder of the skirt is in eau de Nil satin merveilleux, arranged in long f iill folds, in the graceful fashion indicated in the sketch.  The bridal gown is one of rare elegance and beauty, although the style is simplicity itself. The petticoat is in rich faille frangaise, arranged in one very wide pleat, alternating with a . i number of narrow folds. The sides of thi�� petticoat are veiled with a wing-shaped pointed drapery of lace, ti.e plain tight-fitting bodies and the long train being made in a very handsome velours fried. ��� (Observer, 13 March 1886)
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The sketches on this pace show ub typical, gowns of fonr different kinds, all of tnom of considerable interest, representing as < they do distinct noVeities in the way of walking, evening, and wedding toilettes. ��� ��� The walking costume on the left, has a kind of polonaise top in fawn-coloured cloth, edged with a handsome bordering of golden beaver. The draperies are turned baok and drawn up high at the bacs, beine fastened in their place by ornaments in goldenbrown passementerie. The underskirt is in fawn cloth, with linings of faille franqdise, and on the left side there 1�� nlaleedan elaborate ornament m silk cord, reaching to the hem f th-i. skirt. The hat is in fawn-coloured felt to match,, the brim being- ; jveced with golden beaver, and the high crown trimmed at i eb jk, with a mound of feathers to correspond. The second drawing shows us a highly original evening bodice known as the "corsage k I'lneroya.ble. Tne cut-away coat is in a uceel-blue plush, with wide stripes of faille franqake. The vest, turns back at the top with a wide-pointed lappel, is made in an old-fashioned brocade, haying brightly-coloured flowers upon a cream ground. The full lace stock is particularly, characteristic of this French coat, the raffles in the sleeves being of the same kind of lace. The bridesmaid's gown, which occupies the centre of the page, is a delightful combination in two shades of green. The bodice is made in moss-green plush, stripes of plush being fastened .across the figure with large buttons over a kind of chemisette of satin .: merveilleux in the palest shade of eau de Ml. The narrow aidepanel on the left of the skirt, as well as the ornament which secures the drapery, are made in moss-green plush, while the entire remainder of the skirt is in eau de Nil satin merveilleux, arranged in long f iill folds, in the graceful fashion indicated in the sketch. The bridal gown is one of rare elegance and beauty, although the style is simplicity itself. The petticoat is in rich faille frangaise, arranged in one very wide pleat, alternating with a . i number of narrow folds. The sides of thi�� petticoat are veiled with a wing-shaped pointed drapery of lace, ti.e plain tight-fitting bodies and the long train being made in a very handsome velours fried. ��� (Observer, 13 March 1886)
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