Research paper
Search for a low-mass pseudoscalar Higgs boson produced in association with a bb[U+203E] pair in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV
About this item
- Title
- Search for a low-mass pseudoscalar Higgs boson produced in association with a bb[U+203E] pair in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV
- Content partner
- The University of Auckland Library
- Collection
- ResearchSpace@Auckland
- Description
A search is reported for a light pseudoscalar Higgs boson decaying to a pair of τ leptons, produced in association with a bb pair, in the context of two-Higgs-doublet models. The results are based on pp collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb-1. Pseudoscalar boson masses between 25 and 80 GeV are probed. No evidence for a pseudoscalar boson is found and upper limits are set on the pr...
- Format
- Research paper
- Research format
- Journal article
- Date created
- 2016-07-10
- Creator
- Khachatryan, V / Sirunyan, AM / Tumasyan, A / Adam, W / Asilar, E / Bergauer, T / Brandstetter, J / Brondolin, E / Dragicevic, M / Eroe, J / Flechl, M / Friedl, M / Fruehwirth, R / Ghete, VM / Hartl, C / Hoermann, N / Hrubec, J / Jeitler, M / Knunz, V / Koenig, A / Kraemmer, M / Kratschmer, I / Liko, D / Matsushita, T / Mikulec, I / Rabady, D / Rahbaran, B / Rohringer, H / Schieck, J / Schoefbeck, R / Strauss, J / Treberer-Treberspurg, W / Waltenberger, W / Wulz, C-E / Mossolov, V / Shumeiko, N / Gonzalez, JS / Alderweireldt, S / Cornelis, T / De Wolf, EA / Janssen, X / Knutsson, A / Lauwers, J / Luyckx, S / Rougny, R / De Klundert, MV / Van Haevermaet, H / Van Mechelen, P / Van Remortel, N / Van Spilbeeck, A / Abu Zeid, S / Blekman, F / D'Hondt, J / Daci, N / De Bruyn, I / Deroover, K / Heracleous, N / Keaveney, J / Lowette, S / Moreels, L / Olbrechts, A / Python, Q / Strom, D / Tavernier, S / Van Doninck, W / Van Mulders, P / Van Onsem, GP / Van Parijs, I / Barria, P / Brun, H / Caillol, C / Clerbaux, B / De Lentdecker, G / Fasanella, G / Favart, L / Grebenyuk, A / Karapostoli, G / Lenzi, T / Leonard, A / Maerschalk, T / Marinov, A / Pernie, L / Randle-conde, A / Reis, T / Seva, T / Vander Velde, C / Vanlaer, P / Yonamine, R / Zenoni, F / Zhang, F / Beernaert, K / Benucci, L / Cimmino, A / Crucy, S / Dobur, D / Fagot, A / Garcia, G / Gul, M / Mccartin, J / Ocampo Rios, AA / Poyraz, D / Ryckbosch, D / Salva, S / Sigamani, M / Strobbe, N / Tytgat, M / Van Driessche, W / Yazgan, E / Zaganidis, N / Basegmez, S / Beluffi, C / Bondu, O / Brochet, S / Bruno, G / Caudron, A / Ceard, L / Da Silveira, GG / Delaere, C / Favart, D / Forthomme, L / Giammanco, A / Hollar, J / Jafari, A / Jez, P / Komm, M / Lemaitre, V / Mertens, A / Nuttens, C / Perrini, L / Pin, A / Piotrzkowski, K / Popov, A / Quertenmont, L / Selvaggi, M / Vidal Marono, M / Beliy, N / Hammad, GH / Alda Junior, WL / Alves, GA / Brito, L / Correa Martins Junior, M / Hamer, M / Hensel, C / Mora Herrera, C / Moraes, A / Pol, ME / Rebello Teles, P / Belchior Batista Das Chagas, E / Carvalho, W / Chinellato, J / Custodio, A / Da Costa, EM / De Jesus Damiao, D / De Oliveira Martins, C / Fonseca De Souza, S / Huertas Guativa, LM / Malbouisson, H / Matos Figueiredo, D / Mundim, L / Nogima, H / Prado Da Silva, WL / Santoro, A / Sznajder, A / Tonelli Manganote, EJ / Vilela Pereira, A / Ahuja, S / Bernardes, CA / De Souza Santos, A / Dogra, S / Fernandez Perez Tomei, TR / Gregores, EM / Mercadante, PG / Moon, CS / Novaes, SF / Padula, SS / Romero Abad, D / Ruiz Vargas, JC / Aleksandrov, A / Hadjiiska, R / Iaydjiev, P / Rodozov, M / Stoykova, S / Sultanov, G / Vutova, M / Dimitrov, A / Glushkov, I / Litov, L / Pavlov, B / Petkov, P / Ahmad, M / Bian, JG / Chen, GM / Chen, HS / Chen, M / Cheng, T / Du, R / Jiang, CH / Plestina, R / Romeo, F / Shaheen, SM / Tao, J / Wang, C / Wang, Z / Zhang, H / Asawatangtrakuldee, C / Ban, Y / Li, Q / Liu, S / Mao, Y / Qian, SJ / Wang, D / Xu, Z / Zou, W / Avila, C / Cabrera, A / Chaparro Sierra, LF / Florez, C / Gomez, JP / Gomez Moreno, B / Sanabria, JC / Godinovic, N / Lelas, D / Puljak, I / Cipriano, PMR / Antunovic, Z / Kovac, M / Brigljevic, V / Kadija, K / Luetic, J / Micanovic, S / Sudic, L / Attikis, A / Mavromanolakis, G / Mousa, J / Nicolaou, C / Ptochos, F / Razis, PA / Rykaczewski, H / Bodlak, M / Finger, M / Abdelalim, AA / Awad, A / Mahrous, A / Radi, A / Calpas, B / Kadastik, M / Murumaa, M / Raidal, M / Tiko, A / Veelken, C / Eerola, P / Pekkanen, J / Voutilainen, M / Harkonen, J / Karimaki, V / Kinnunen, R / Lampen, T / Lassila-Perini, K / Lehti, S / Linden, T / Luukka, P / Maenpaa, T / Peltola, T / Tuominen, E / Tuominiemi, J / Tuovinen, E / Wendland, L / Talvitie, J / Tuuva, T / Besancon, M / Couderc, F / Dejardin, M / Denegri, D / Fabbro, B / Faure, JL / Favaro, C / Ferri, F / Ganjour, S / Givernaud, A / Gras, P / de Monchenault, GH / Jarry, P / Locci, E / Machet, M / Malcles, J / Rander, J / Rosowsky, A / Titov, M / Zghiche, A / Antropov, I / Baffioni, S / Beaudette, F / Busson, P / Cadamuro, L / Chapon, E / Charlot, C / Dahms, T / Davignon, O / Filipovic, N / Florent, A / de Cassagnac, RG / Lisniak, S / Mastrolorenzo, L / Mine, P / Naranjo, IN / Nguyen, M / Ochando, C / Ortona, G / Paganini, P / Pigard, P / Regnard, S / Salerno, R / Sauvan, JB / Sirois, Y / Strebler, T / Yilmaz, Y / Zabi, A / Agram, J-L / Andrea, J / Aubin, A / Bloch, D / Brom, J-M / Buttignol, M / Chabert, EC / Chanon, N / Collard, C / Conte, E / Coubez, X / Fontaine, J-C / Gele, D / Goerlach, U / Goetzmann, C / Le Bihan, A-C / Merlin, JA / Skovpen, K / Van Hove, P / Gadrat, S / Beauceron, S / Bernet, C / Boudoul, G / Bouvier, E / Montoya, CAC / Chierici, R / Contardo, D / Courbon, B / Depasse, P / El Mamouni, H / Fan, J / Fay, J / Gascon, S / Gouzevitch, M / Ille, B / Lagarde, F / Laktineh, IB / Lethuillier, M / Mirabito, L / Pequegnot, AL / Perries, S / Alvarez, JDR / Sabes, D / Sgandurra, L / Sordini, V / Vander Donckt, M / Verdier, P / Viret, S / Toriashvili, T / Tsamalaidze, Z / Autermann, C / Beranek, S / Edelhoff, M / Feld, L / Heister, A / Kiesel, MK / Klein, K / Lipinski, M / Ostapchuk, A / Preuten, M / Raupach, F / Schael, S / Schulte, JF / Verlage, T / Weber, H / Wittmer, B / Zhukov, V / Ata, M / Brodski, M / Dietz-Laursonn, E / Duchardt, D / Endres, M / Erdmann, M / Erdweg, S / Esch, T / Fischer, R / Gueth, A / Hebbeker, T / Heidemann, C / Hoepfner, K / Klingebiel, D / Knutzen, S / Kreuzer, P / Merschmeyer, M / Meyer, A / Millet, P / Olschewski, M / Padeken, K / Papacz, P / Pook, T / Radziej, M / Reithler, H / Rieger, M / Scheuch, F / Sonnenschein, L / Teyssier, D / Thueer, S / Cherepanov, V / Erdogan, Y / Fluegge, G / Geenen, H / Geisler, M / Hoehle, F / Kargoll, B / Kress, T / Kuessel, Y / Kuensken, A / Lingemann, J / Nehrkorn, A / Nowack, A / Nugent, IM / Pistone, C / Pooth, O / Stahl, A / Martin, MA / Asin, I / Bartosik, N / Behnke, O / Behrens, U / Bell, AJ / Borras, K / Burgmeier, A / Cakir, A / Calligaris, L / Campbell, A / Choudhury, S / Costanza, F / Pardos, CD / Dolinska, G / Dooling, S / Dorland, T / Eckerlin, G / Eckstein, D / Eichhorn, T / Flucke, G / Gallo, E / Garcia, JG / Geiser, A / Gizhko, A / Gunnellini, P / Hauk, J / Hempel, M / Jung, H / Kalogeropoulos, A / Karacheban, O / Kasemann, M / Katsas, P / Kieseler, J / Kleinwort, C / Korol, I / Lange, W / Leonard, J / Lipka, K / Lobanov, A / Lohmann, W / Mankel, R / Marfin, I / Melzer-Pellmann, I-A / Meyer, AB / Mittag, G / Mnich, J / Mussgiller, A / Naumann-Emme, S / Nayak, A / Ntomari, E / Perrey, H / Pitzl, D / Placakyte, R / Raspereza, A / Roland, B / Sahin, MO / Saxena, P / Schoerner-Sadenius, T / Schroeder, M / Seitz, C / Spannagel, S / Trippkewitz, KD / Walsh, R / Wissing, C / Blobel, V / Vignali, MC / Draeger, AR / Erfle, J / Garutti, E / Goebel, K / Gonzalez, D / Goerner, M / Haller, J / Hoffmann, M / Hoeing, RS / Junkes, A / Klanner, R / Kogler, R / Lapsien, T / Lenz, T / Marchesini, I / Marconi, D / Meyer, M / Nowatschin, D / Ott, J / Pantaleo, F / Peiffer, T / Perieanu, A / Pietsch, N / Poehlsen, J / Rathjens, D / Sander, C / Schettler, H / Schleper, P / Schlieckau, E / Schmidt, A / Schwandt, J / Seidel, M / Sola, V / Stadie, H / Steinbruck, G / Tholen, H / Troendle, D / Usai, E / Vanelderen, L / Vanhoefer, A / Vormwald, B / Akbiyik, M / Barth, C / Baus, C / Berger, J / Boeser, C / Butz, E / Chwalek, T / Colombo, F / De Boer, W / Descroix, A / Dierlamm, A / Fink, S / Frensch, F / Giffels, M / Gilbert, A / Hartmann, F / Heindl, SM / Husemann, U / Katkov, I / Kornmayer, A / Pardo, PL / Maier, B / Mildner, H / Mozer, MU / Mueller, T / Plagge, M / Quast, G / Rabbertz, K / Roecker, S / Roscher, F / Simonis, HJ / Stober, FM / Ulrich, R / Wagner-Kuhr, J / Wayand, S / Weber, M / Weiler, T / Woehrmann, C / Wolf, R / Anagnostou, G / Daskalakis, G / Geralis, T / Giakoumopoulou, VA / Kyriakis, A / Loukas, D / Psallidas, A / Topsis-Giotis, I / Agapitos, A / Kesisoglou, S / Panagiotou, A / Saoulidou, N / Tziaferi, E / Evangelou, I / Flouris, G / Foudas, C / Kokkas, P / Loukas, N / Manthos, N / Papadopoulos, I / Paradas, E / Strologas, J / Bencze, G / Hajdu, C / Hazi, A / Hidas, P / Horvath, D / Sikler, F / Veszpremi, V / Vesztergombi, G / Zsigmond, AJ / Beni, N / Czellar, S / Karancsi, J / Molnar, J / Szillasi, Z / Bartok, M / Makovec, A / Raics, P / Trocsanyi, ZL / Ujvari, B / Mal, P / Mandal, K / Sahoo, DK / Sahoo, N / Swain, SK / Bansal, S / Beri, SB / Bhatnagar, V / Chawla, R / Gupta, R / Bhawandeep, U / Kalsi, AK / Kaur, A / Kaur, M / Kumar, R / Mehta, A / Mittal, M / Singh, JB / Walia, G / Kumar, A / Bhardwaj, A / Choudhary, BC / Garg, RB / Malhotra, S / Naimuddin, M / Nishu, N / Ranjan, K / Sharma, R / Sharma, V / Bhattacharya, S / Chatterjee, K / Dey, S / Dutta, S / Jain, S / Majumdar, N / Modak, A / Mondal, K / Mukherjee, S / Mukhopadhyay, S / Roy, A / Roy, D / Chowdhury, SR / Sarkar, S / Sharan, M / Abdulsalam, A / Chudasama, R / Dutta, D / Jha, V / Kumar, V / Mohanty, AK / Pant, LM / Shukla, P / Topkar, A / Aziz, T / Banerjee, S / Bhowmik, S / Chatterjee, RM / Dewanjee, RK / Dugad, S / Ganguly, S / Ghosh, S / Guchait, M / Gurtu, A / Kole, G / Kumar, S / Mahakud, B / Maity, M / Majumder, G / Mazumdar, K / Mitra, S / Mohanty, GB / Parida, B / Sarkar, T / Sudhakar, K / Sur, N / Sutar, B / Wickramage, N / Chauhan, S / Dube, S / Sharma, S / Bakhshiansohi, H / Behnamian, H / Etesami, SM / Fahim, A / Goldouzian, R / Khakzad, M / Najafabadi, MM / Naseri, M / Mehdiabadi, SP / Hosseinabadi, FR / Safarzadeh, B / Zeinali, M / Felcini, M / Grunewald, M / Abbrescia, M / Calabria, C / Caputo, C / Colaleo, A / Creanza, D / Cristella, L / De Filippis, N / De Palma, M / Fiore, L / Iasellia, G / Maggi, G / Maggi, M / Miniello, G / My, S / Nuzzo, S / Pompili, A / Puglies, G / Radogna, R / Ranieri, A / Selvaggi, G / Silvestris, L / Venditti, R / Verwilligen, P / Abbiendi, G / Battilana, C / Benvenuti, AC / Bonacorsi, D / Braibant-Giacomelli, S / Brigliadori, L / Campanini, R / Capiluppi, P / Castro, A / Cavallo, FR / Chhibra, SS / Codispoti, G / Cuffiani, M / Dallavalle, GM / Fabbri, F / Fanfani, A / Fasanella, D / Giacomelli, P / Grandi, C / Guiducci, L / Marcellini, S / Masetti, G / Montanari, A / Navarria, FL / Perrotta, A / Rossi, AM / Rovelli, T / Siroli, GP / Tosi, N / Travaglini, R / Cappello, G / Chiorboli, M / Costa, S / Giordano, F / Potenza, R / Tricomi, A / Tuve, C / Barbagli, G / Ciulli, V / Civinini, C / D'Alessandro, R / Focardi, E / Gonzi, S / Gori, V / Lenzi, P / Meschini, M / Paoletti, S / Sguazzoni, G / Tropiano, A / Viliani, L / Benussi, L / Bianco, S / Piccolo, D / Primavera, F / Calvelli, V / Ferro, F / Lo Vetere, M / Monge, MR / Robutti, E / Tosi, S / Brianz, L / Dinardo, ME / Fiorendi, S / Gennai, S / Gerosa, R / Ghezzi, A / Govoni, P / Malvezzi, S / Manzoni, RA / Marzocchi, B / Menasce, D / Moroni, L / Paganoni, M / Pedrini, D / Ragazzi, S / Redaelli, N / de Fatis, TT / Buontempo, S / Cavallo, N / Di Guida, S / Esposito, M / Fabozzi, F / Iorio, AOM / Lanza, G / Lista, L / Meola, S / Merola, M / Paolucci, P / Sciacca, C / Thyssen, F / Azzi, P / Bacchetta, N / Bellato, M / Benato, L / Bisello, D / Boletti, A / Branca, A / Carlin, R / Checchi, P / Dall'Osso, M / Dorigo, T / Dosselli, U / Gasparini, F / Gasparini, U / Gozzelino, A / Lacaprara, S / Margoni, M / Meneguzzo, AT / Pazzini, J / Pozzobon, N / Ronchese, P / Simonetto, F / Torassa, E / Tosi, M / Ventura, S / Zanetti, M / Zotto, P / Zucchetta, A / Zumerle, G / Braghieri, A / Magnani, A / Montagna, P / Ratti, SP / Re, V / Riccardi, C / Salvini, P / Vai, I / Vitulo, P / Solestizi, LA / Biasini, M / Bilei, GM / Ciangottini, D / Fano, L / Lariccia, P / Mantovani, G / Menichelli, M / Saha, A / Santocchia, A / Spiezia, A / Androsov, K / Azzurri, P / Bagliesi, G / Bernardini, J / Boccali, T / Broccolo, G / Castaldi, R / Ciocci, MA / Dell'Orso, R / Donato, S / Fedi, G / Foa, L / Giassi, A / Grippo, MT / Ligabue, F / Lomtadze, T / Martini, L / Messineo, A / Palla, F / Rizzi, A / Savoy-Navarro, A / Serban, AT / Spagnolo, P / Squillacioti, P / Tenchini, R / Tonelli, G / Venturi, A / Verdini, PG / Barone, L / Cavallari, F / D'imperio, G / Del Re, D / Diemoz, M / Gelli, S / Jorda, C / Longo, E / Margaroli, F / Meridiani, P / Organtini, G / Paramatti, R / Preiato, F / Rahatlou, S / Rovelli, C / Santanastasio, F / Traczyk, P / Amapane, N / Arcidiacono, R / Argiro, S / Arneodo, M / Bellan, R / Biino, C / Cartiglia, N / Costa, M / Covarelli, R / Degano, A / Demaria, N / Finco, L / Kiani, B / Mariotti, C / Maselli, S / Migliore, E / Monaco, V / Monteil, E / Musich, M / Obertino, MM / Pacher, L / Pastrone, N / Pelliccioni, M / Angioni, GLP / Ravera, F / Romero, A / Ruspa, M / Sacchi, R / Solano, A / Staiano, A / Tamponi, U / Belforte, S / Candelise, V / Casarsa, M / Cossutti, F / Della Ricca, G / Gobbo, B / La Licata, C / Marone, M / Schizzi, A / Zanetti, A / Kropivnitskaya, A / Nam, SK / Kim, DH / Kim, GN / Kim, MS / Kong, DJ / Lee, S / Oh, YD / Sakharov, A / Son, DC / Cifuentes, JAB / Kim, H / Kim, TJ / Ryu, MS / Song, S / Choi, S / Go, Y / Gyun, D / Hong, B / Jo, M / Kim, Y / Lee, B / Lee, K / Lee, KS / Park, SK / Roh, Y / Yoo, HD / Choi, M / Kim, JH / Lee, JSH / Park, IC / Ryu, G / Choi, Y / Goh, J / Kim, D / Kwon, E / Lee, J / Yu, I / Juodagalvis, A / Vaitkus, J / Ahmed, I / Ibrahim, ZA / Komaragiri, JR / Ali, MABM / Idris, FM / Abdullah, WATW / Yusli, MN / Linares, EC / Castilla-Valdez, H / De La Cruz-Burelo, E / Heredia-de La Cruz, I / Hernandez-Almada, A / Lopez-Fernandez, R / Sanchez-Hernandez, A / Carrillo Moreno, S / Vazquez Valencia, F / Pedraza, I / Salazar Ibarguen, HA / Morelos Pineda, A / Krofcheck, David / Butler, PH / Ahmad, A / Hassan, Q / Hoorani, HR / Khan, WA / Khurshid, T / Shoaib, M / Bialkowska, H / Bluj, M / Boimska, B / Frueboes, T / Gorski, M / Kazana, M / Nawrocki, K / Romanowska-Rybinska, K / Szleper, M / Zalewski, P / Brona, G / Bunkowski, K / Byszuk, A / Doroba, K / Kalinowski, A / Konecki, M / Krolikowski, J / Misiura, M / Olszewski, M / Walczak, M / Bargassa, P / Beirao Da Cruz E Silva, C / Di Francesco, A / Faccioli, P / Ferreira Parracho, PG / Gallinaro, M / Leonardo, N / Lloret Iglesias, L / Nguyen, F / Rodrigues Antunes, J / Seixas, J / Toldaiev, O / Vadruccio, D / Varela, J / Vischia, P / Afanasiev, S / Bunin, P / Gavrilenko, M / Golutvin, I / Gorbunov, I / Kamenev, A / Karjavin, V / Konoplyanikov, V / Lanev, A / Malakhov, A / Matveev, V / Moisenz, P / Palichik, V / Perelygin, V / Shmatov, S / Shulha, S / Skatchkov, N / Smirnov, V / Zarubin, A / Golovtsov, V / Ivanov, Y / Kim, V / Kuznetsova, E / Levchenko, P / Murzin, V / Oreshkin, V / Smirnov, I / Sulimov, V / Uvarov, L / Vavilov, S / Vorobyev, A / Andreev, Y / Dermenev, A / Gninenko, S / Golubev, N / Karneyeu, A / Kirsanov, M / Krasnikov, N / Pashenkov, A / Tlisov, D / Toropin, A / Epshteyn, V / Gavrilov, V / Lychkovskaya, N / Popov, V / Pozdnyakov, I / Safronov, G / Spiridonov, A / Vlasov, E / Zhokin, A / Bylinkin, A / Andreev, V / Azarkin, M / Dremin, I / Kirakosyan, M / Leonidov, A / Mesyats, G / Rusakov, SV / Vinogradov, A / Baskakov, A / Belyaev, A / Boos, E / Bunichev, V / Dubinin, M / Dudko, L / Gribushin, A / Klyukhin, V / Kodolova, O / Lokhtin, I / Myagkov, I / Obraztsov, S / Petrushanko, S / Savrin, V / Snigirev, A / Azhgirey, I / Bayshev, I / Bitioukov, S / Kachanov, V / Kalinin, A / Konstantinov, D / Krychkine, V / Petrov, V / Ryutin, R / Sobol, A / Tourtchanovitch, L / Troshin, S / Tyurin, N / Uzunian, A / Volkov, A / Adzic, P / Ekmedzic, M / Milosevic, J / Rekovic, V / Alcaraz Maestre, J / Calvo, E / Cerrada, M / Chamizo Llatas, M / Colino, N / De La Cruz, B / Peris, AD / Dominguez Vazquez, D / Escalante Del Valle, A / Fernandez Bedoya, C / Fernandez Ramos, JP / Flix, J / Fouz, MC / Garcia-Abia, P / Gonzalez Lopez, O / Lopez, SG / Hernandez, JM / Josa, MI / Navarro De Martino, E / Perez-CaleroYzquierdo, A / Puerta Pelayo, J / Quintario Olmeda, A / Redondo, I / Romero, L / Soares, MS / Albajar, C / de Troconiz, JF / Missiroli, M / Moran, D / Cuevas, J / Fernandez Menendez, J / Folgueras, S / Gonzalez Caballero, I / Palencia Cortezon, E / Vizan Garcia, JM / Cabrillo, IJ / Calderon, A / Castineiras De Saa, JR / De Castro Manzano, P / Duarte Campderros, J / Fernandez, M / Garcia-Ferrero, J / Gomez, G / Lopez Virto, A / Marco, J / Marco, R / Martinez Rivero, C / Matorras, F / Munoz Sanchez, FJ / Piedra Gomez, J / Rodrigo, T / Rodriguez-Marrero, AY / Ruiz-Jimeno, A / Scodellaro, L / Vila, I / Vilar Cortabitarte, R / Abbaneo, D / Auffray, E / Auzinger, G / Bachtis, M / Baillon, P / Ball, AH / Barney, D / Benaglia, A / Bendavid, J / Benhabib, L / Benitez, JF / Berruti, GM / Bloch, P / Bocci, A / Bonato, A / Botta, C / Breuker, H / Camporesi, T / Castello, R / Cerminara, G / Colafranceschi, S / D'Alfonso, M / d'Enterria, D / Dabrowski, A / Daponte, V / David, A / De Gruttola, M / De Guio, F / De Roeck, A / De Visscher, S / Di Marco, E / Dobson, M / Dordevic, M / Dorney, B / du Pree, T / Duenser, M / Dupont, N / Elliott-Peisert, A / Franzoni, G / Funk, W / Gigi, D / Gill, K / Giordano, D / Girone, M / Glege, F / Guida, R / Gundacker, S / Guthoff, M / Hammer, J / Harris, P / Hegeman, J / Innocente, V / Janot, P / Kirschenmann, H / Kortelainen, MJ / Kousouris, K / Krajczar, K / Lecoq, P / Lourenco, C / Lucchini, MT / Magini, N / Malgeri, L / Mannelli, M / Martelli, A / Masetti, L / Meijers, F / Mersi, S / Meschi, E / Moortgat, F / Morovic, S / Mulders, M / Nemallapudi, MV / Neugebauer, H / Orfanelli, S / Orsini, L / Pape, L / Perez, E / Peruzzi, M / Petrilli, A / Petrucciani, G / Pfeiffer, A / Piparo, D / Racz, A / Rolandi, G / Rovere, M / Ruan, M / Sakulin, H / Schaefer, C / Schwick, C / Sharma, A / Silva, P / Simon, M / Sphicas, P / Spiga, D / Steggemann, J / Stieger, B / Stoye, M / Takahashi, Y / Treille, D / Triossi, A / Tsirou, A / Veres, GI / Wardle, N / Woehri, HK / Zagozdzinska, A / Zeuner, WD / Bertl, W / Deiters, K / Erdmann, W / Horisberger, R / 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John, J / Sulak, L / Zou, D / Alimena, J / Berry, E / Cutts, D / Dhingra, N / Ferapontov, A / Garabedian, A / Hakala, J / Heintz, U / Laird, E / Landsberg, G / Mao, Z / Narain, M / Piperov, S / Sagir, S / Sinthuprasith, T / Syarif, R / Breedon, R / Breto, G / Sanchez, MCDLB / Chertok, M / Conway, J / Conway, R / Cox, PT / Erbacher, R / Gardner, M / Gunion, J / Jiang, Y / Ko, W / Lander, R / Mulhearn, M / Pellett, D / Pilot, J / Ricci-Tam, F / Shalhout, S / Smith, J / Squires, M / Stolp, D / Tripathi, M / Wilbur, S / Yohay, R / Cousins, R / Everaerts, P / Farrell, C / Hauser, J / Ignatenko, M / Saltzberg, D / Takasugi, E / Valuev, V / Burt, K / Clare, R / Ellison, J / Gary, JW / Hanson, G / Heilman, J / Paneva, MI / Jandir, P / Kennedy, E / Lacroix, F / Long, OR / Luthra, A / Malberti, M / Negrete, MO / Shrinivas, A / Wei, H / Wimpenny, S / Yates, BR / Branson, JG / Cerati, GB / Cittolin, S / D'Agnolo, RT / Holzner, A / Kelley, R / Klein, D / Letts, J / Macneill, I / Olivito, D / Padhi, S / Pieri, M / Sani, M / Simon, S / Tadel, M / Vartak, A / Wasserbaech, S / Welke, C / Wuerthwein, F / Yagil, A / Della Porta, GZ / Barge, D / Bradmiller-Feld, J / Campagnari, C / Dishaw, A / Dutta, V / Flowers, K / Sevilla, MF / Geffert, P / George, C / Golf, F / Gouskos, L / Gran, J / Incandela, J / Justus, C / Mccoll, N / Mullin, SD / Richman, J / Stuart, D / Suarez, I / To, W / West, C / Yoo, J / Anderson, D / Apresyan, A / Bornheim, A / Bunn, J / Chen, Y / Duarte, J / Mott, A / Newman, HB / Pena, C / Pierini, M / Spiropulu, M / Vlimant, JR / Xie, S / Zhu, RY / Andrews, MB / Azzolini, V / Calamba, A / Carlson, B / Ferguson, T / Paulini, M / Russ, J / Sun, M / Vogel, H / Vorobiev, I / Cumalat, JP / Ford, WT / Gaz, A / Jensen, F / Johnson, A / Krohn, M / Mulholland, T / Nauenberg, U / Stenson, K / Wagner, SR / Alexander, J / Chatterjee, A / Chaves, J / Chu, J / Dittmer, S / Eggert, N / Mirman, N / Kaufman, GN / Patterson, JR / Rinkevicius, A / Ryd, A / Skinnari, L / Soffi, L / Sun, W / Tan, SM / Teo, WD / Thom, J / Thompson, J / Tucker, J / Weng, Y / Wittich, P / Abdullin, S / Albrow, M / Anderson, J / Apollinari, G / Bauerdick, LAT / Beretvas, A / Berryhill, J / Bhat, PC / Bolla, G / Burkett, K / Butler, JN / Cheung, HWK / Chlebana, F / Cihangir, S / Elvira, VD / Fisk, I / Freeman, J / Gottschalk, E / Gray, L / Green, D / Gruenendahl, S / Gutsche, O / Hanlon, J / Hare, D / Harris, RM / Hasegawa, S / Hirschauer, J / Hu, Z / Jindariani, S / Johnson, M / Joshi, U / Jung, AW / Klima, B / Kreis, B / Kwan, S / Lammel, S / Linacre, J / Lincoln, D / Lipton, R / Liu, T / De Sa, RL / Lykken, J / Maeshima, K / Marraffino, JM / Outschoorn, VIM / Maruyama, S / Mason, D / McBride, P / Merkel, P / Mishra, K / Mrenna, S / Nahn, S / Newman-Holmes, C / O'Dell, V / Pedro, K / Prokofyev, O / Rakness, G / Sexton-Kennedy, E / Soha, A / Spalding, WJ / Spiegel, L / Taylor, L / Tkaczyk, S / Tran, NV / Uplegger, L / Vaandering, EW / Vernieri, C / Verzocchi, M / Vidal, R / Weber, HA / 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Clarida, W / Dilsiz, K / Durgut, S / Gandrajula, RP / Haytmyradov, M / Khristenko, V / Merlo, J-P / Mermerkaya, H / Mestvirishvili, A / Moeller, A / Nachtman, J / Ogul, H / Onel, Y / Ozok, F / Penzo, A / Snyder, C / Tan, P / Tiras, E / Wetzel, J / Yi, K / Anderson, I / Barnett, BA / Blumenfeld, B / Fehling, D / Feng, L / Gritsan, AV / Maksimovic, P / Martin, C / Osherson, M / Swartz, M / Xiao, M / Xin, Y / You, C / Baringer, P / Bean, A / Benelli, G / Bruner, C / Kenny, RP / Majumder, D / Malek, M / Murray, M / Sanders, S / Stringer, R / Wang, Q / Ivanov, A / Kaadze, K / Khalil, S / Makouski, M / Maravin, Y / Mohammadi, A / Saini, LK / Skhirtladze, N / Toda, S / Lange, D / Rebassoo, F / Wright, D / Anelli, C / Baden, A / Baron, O / Belloni, A / Calvert, B / Eno, SC / Ferraioli, C / Gomez, JA / Hadley, NJ / Jabeen, S / Kellogg, RG / Kolberg, T / Kunkle, J / Lu, Y / Mignerey, AC / Shin, YH / Skuja, A / Tonjes, MB / Tonwar, SC / Apyan, A / Barbieri, R / Baty, A / Bierwagen, K / Brandt, S 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