Research paper

How do New Zealand nurses who work in the area of oncology educate and provide follow-up support to patients who are prescribed oral capecitabine and what are nurses’ perceptions of this process?

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How do New Zealand nurses who work in the area of oncology educate and provide follow-up support to patients who are prescribed oral capecitabine and what are nurses’ perceptions of this process?
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EIT (Eastern Institute of Technology)
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Thesis. Oral therapy is an increasingly popular treatment option for individuals with cancer, replacing the traditional method of administering this treatment intravenously (IV). When chemotherapy is given IV the responsibility for administration rests with health professionals and it is usually given in a medical environment such as a chemotherapy outpatient clinic. With oral chemotherapy, the patient or his/her caregivers are responsible for administering the medication. Both IV and oral th...

Research paper
Research format
Scholarly text
Thesis level
Date created
Carol Reid

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