Research paper

The IceCube Neutrino Observatory, the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope Array: Joint Contribution to the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2015)

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The IceCube Neutrino Observatory, the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope Array: Joint Contribution to the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2015)
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University of Canterbury Library
UC Research Repository

We have conducted three searches for correlations between ultra-high energy cosmic rays detected by the Telescope Array and the Pierre Auger Observatory, and high-energy neutrino candidate events from IceCube. Two cross-correlation analyses with UHECRs are done: one with 39 cascades from the IceCube `high-energy starting events' sample and the other with 16 high-energy `track events'. The angular separation between the arrival directions of neutrinos and UHECRs is scanned over. The same event...

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Conference paper
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Hanlon W / Hayashi Y / Hayashida N / Hibino K / Honda K / Ikeda D / Inoue N / Ishii T / Ishimori R / Ito H / Ivanov D / Jui CCH / Kadota K / Kakimoto F / Kalashev O / Kasahara K / Kawai H / Kawakami S / Kawana S / Kawata K / Kido E / Kim HB / Kim JH / Kitamura S / Kitamura Y / Kuzmin V / Kwon YJ / Lan J / Lim SI / Lundquist JP / Machida K / Martens K / Matsuda T / Matsuyama T / Matthews JN / Minamino M / Mukai Y / Myers I / Nagasawa K / Nagataki S / Nakamura T / Nonaka T / Nozato A / Ogio S / Ogura J / Ohnishi M / Ohoka H / Oki K / Okuda T / Ono M / Oshima A / Ozawa S / Park IH / Pshirkov MS / Rodriguez DC / Rubtsov G / Ryu D / Sagawa H / Sakurai N / Scott LM / Shah PD / Shibata F / Shibata T / Shimodaira H / Shin BK / Shin HS / Smith JD / Sokolsky P / Springer RW / Stokes BT / Stratton SR / Stroman TA / Suzawa T / Takamura M / Takeda M / Takeishi R / Taketa A / Takita M / Tameda Y / Tanaka H / Tanaka K / Tanaka M / Thomas SB / Thomson GB / Tinyakov P / Tkachev I / Tokuno H / Tomida T / Troitsky S / Tsunesada Y / Tsutsumi K / Uchihori Y / Udo S / Urban F / Vasiloff G / Wong T / Yamane R / Yamaoka H / Yamazaki K / Yang J / Yashiro K / Yoneda Y / Yoshii H / Zollinger R / Zundel Z / De Clercq, C / Cruz Silva, AH / de Andre, JPAM / del Pino Rosendo, E / De Ridder, S / de Vries, KD / de Wasseige, G / de With, M / di Lorenzo, V / Haj Ismail, A / Alvarez Castillo, J / Alvez Batista, R / de Mello Neto, JRT / Diaz Castro, ML / Dorosti Hasankiadeh, Q / Vargas Cardenas, B / Valdes Galicia, JF / Torres Machado, D / Torralba Elipe, G / Todero Peixoto, CJ / Suarez Duran, M / Sanabria Gomez, JD / Salesa Greus, F / Rodrigues de Carvalho, W / Pakk Selmi-Dei, D / Martinez Bravo, O / Kuotb Awad, AW / Kukec Mezek, G / Gomez Vitale, PF / Gomez Berisso, M
Related subjects
astro-ph.HE / astro-ph.IM / hep-ex / Physical Sciences / Astronomical and Space Sciences / High Energy Astrophysics; Cosmic Rays

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