Sylvia Park School
A DigitalNZ Story by sps
These maps, photographs and newspaper articles are all about the place where our school is now.
Maungarei - the archaeological story
This long and in-depth article tells us a lot about what archaeologists have learned about Maungarei.
National Library of New Zealand
Marutūahu Tribes - Ngāti Maru and Ngāti Pāoa
This Te Ara article tells us a little bit about two of the iwi that connect with this area.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Fall of Mokoia
Mokoia Pā was in Panmure. Gardens spread all the way along the Tāmaki River between Panmure and Otahuhu.
The University of Auckland Library
James Hamlin, 1860
James Hamlin was a missionary and early European farmer in this area.
Alexander Turnbull Library
Receipt for land, 1838
James Hamlin bought a large block of land from Ngāti Pāoa. The next section in the book has an English translation.
Victoria University of Wellington
The horse called Carbine
Does that name remind you of anything?
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Musket was another famous horse bred at Sylvia Park.
Alexander Turnbull Library
Tamaki Races
Somewhere between Panmure and Otahuhu, the Tamaki Races were held. Read the article to find out what happened.
National Library of New Zealand
The Sylvia Park Stud 1890
This is a description of a walk around the farm just after the announcement that it was to be sold.
National Library of New Zealand
Sylvia Park to be dispersed, 1890
In 1890, Sylvia Park was not a good business anymore and the horses were all sold.
National Library of New Zealand
Map of the Mount Wellington Area 1892
What do you recognise? What are the names that are used for places you recognise?
Auckland Libraries
Hunt Club meeting at Sylvia Park, 1913
These pictures were taken when Sylvia Park was a stud farm. Look at the way people were dressed and what they're doing.
Auckland Libraries
Map of the Mount Wellington Area 1920s
Which roads do you recognise? Where will the school be built? Where do you live?
Auckland Libraries
Map of Auckland 1930s
Look closely, you will see some new streets appearing in Mt Wellington.
Auckland Libraries
A Bird's Eye View in the 1940s
This was even before the army buildings were built. What are the clues you are you using to locate our school site?
Auckland Libraries
Aerial view of Mt Wellington in 1946
This is a close up view looking down on the army stores where Sylvia Park shopping centre is now.
Alexander Turnbull Library
Mt Wellington in 1949
This was before our school was built. What can you see that you recognise?
Alexander Turnbull Library
Mt Wellington in 1949
This was before our school was built. Can you find the spot where it is going to be?
Alexander Turnbull Library
Mt Wellington in 1954
The school isn't there yet, neither is Longford Street. What is happening with that long strip of land?
Alexander Turnbull Library
Building the Motorway
It's 1956 and they're building the motorway. How do you think this changed this area?
Alexander Turnbull Library
A new school in Mt Wellington, 1957
A new school has recently opened! What can you see?
Alexander Turnbull Library
South-Eastern Auckland described in Te Ara
Here's a brief history of the industrial legacy in the area.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Map of Auckland 1950s
What has changed since the map of the 1920s? What is different from today?
Auckland Libraries
Mt Richmond in the 1950s or 60s
This aerial view of Mt Richmond shows us a little bit of the suburb too.
The University of Auckland Library
Mt Wellington in 1962
Find our school in the bottom right hand corner. Can you see a new street close by that doesn't have an alleyway yet?
Alexander Turnbull Library
Mt Wellington in 1965
Can you find our school? Use the factories and the Mt Wellington Highway as guides to help you.
Alexander Turnbull Library
Photography of Sylvia Park sheds, about 1985
There were rows and rows of these sheds in the area where the shopping centre is now.
Countdown Corner, 1986
Look carefully at the shape of the building. Do you recognise these shops?
Auckland Libraries
The motorway, 1989
Traffic jams to get onto the motorway, even then!
Howick Historical Village
Waitangi Tribunal report, 1992
The land that now has the Sylvia Park Shops on it was sold for development.
Waitangi Tribunal
Our neighbourhood in 1993
You can see our field in this aerial photograph.
Auckland Libraries
Our neighbourhood in 1993
You can see our school in the top left hand corner of this picture.
Auckland Libraries
Sylvia Park shops open 2006
Can you imagine Mt Wellington without the Sylvia Park shopping centre?
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
The Olives of Mt Richmond
This article tells us about the olive trees growing on Mt Richmond as they were in the early 2000s.
New Zealand Plant Conservation Network
'New' names in Tāmaki Makaurau, 2014
Changing names and places didn't stop last century. Why do you think they changed these names in 2014?
Department of Internal Affairs
Happy and Safe, 2015
You know all about this song!
The Coconet TV
Radio interview with Kiwi Income Property Trust
In 2016, the owners of the Sylvia Park Shopping Centre talk about what they plan to do.
Radio New Zealand
Jacinda Ardern visits SPS in 2022
Do you remember when the prime minister came to visit? We were in the news!
Radio New Zealand