About this item
- Title
- 50 Years of New Zealand Television: 2 - The Whole World's Watching
- Content partner
- NZ On Screen
- Collection
- NZ On Screen
- Description
The birth of television in the 1960s meant that suddenly protests and civil unrest could be broadcast directly into Kiwi homes. This episode of 50 Years of New Zealand Television looks at many of those events — involving everything from the Vietnam War and the Springbok tour, to Bastion Point and the Homosexual Law Reform Act. It also examines how being televised altered their impact. Interviews with both protestors and reporters provide a unique insight into what it was like to be living thr...
- Format
- Video
- Date created
- 2010
- https://www.nzonscreen.com/title/50-years-of-nz-tv-episode-two-protest-2010
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