
Child of the Rainbow Warrior

Child of the Rainbow Warrior
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Child of the Rainbow Warrior
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NZ On Screen
NZ On Screen

Blackmail, lies and secrecy feature heavily in this TV3 documentary, which follows the teenage daughter of the photographer killed in the 1985 bombing of Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior. Marelle Pereira was just eight when her father Fernando died after French Secret Service agents set off two bombs in Auckland. The boat was set to protest nuclear testing in French Polynesia. Now 18, Pereira and her mum travel to French Polynesia, France and Aotearoa to ask why the French carried out the atta...

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marelle pereira / françois mitterand / france / french secret service / greenpeace / rainbow warrior / terrorism / fernandez pereira / portugal / netherlands / french polynesia / south pacific / protest / environmentalist / david mctaggart / vega / nuclear testing / mururoa atoll / david lange / politics / blackmail / steve sawyer / general charles de gaulle / ann marie horn / dominique prieur / alain mafart / auckland police / detective maurice whitham / paris / roland dumar / rongelap atoll / 1985 / 1980s / 80s / 1995 / 1990s / 90s / nuclear power / nuclear weapons / environment / amsterdam / conservation / secret service / the rainbow warrior / green peace / terrorist / fernando pereira / nuclear free new zealand / nuclear free / nuclear free aotearoa / general de gaule / french nuclear testing / environmentalism / french collonialism / french spies / new zealand police / police / moruroa / sophie and alain turenge / identity fraud / spies / espionage / nuclear politics / international relations / passport fraud / atoll / pacific islands / global politics / world politics

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