
Sandow chest expander accessory - booklet with fold-out charts

Sandow chest expander accessory - booklet with fold-out charts
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Sandow chest expander accessory - booklet with fold-out charts
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Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Te Papa Collections Online

Eugen Sandow - 'physical culturalist' This is an example of the exercise equipment patented and marketed by Eugen Sandow, an early 20th century 'physical culturalist'. Sandow achieved international fame as the world's reputed first 'strong man' at a time when concerns about 'racial fitness' were rife. He started his career as a sideshow strongman. Early on, he began building his muscles to the same proportions as those of the men in classical Greek and Roman art, and as part of his act he i...

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Eugen Sandow / paper / cardboard / exercises / England

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