
Eating Pork'n'Puha with Chopsticks

Eating Pork'n'Puha with Chopsticks
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Eating Pork'n'Puha with Chopsticks
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NZ On Screen
NZ On Screen

This documentary follows four generations of the Lee family, whose whakapapa includes Ngāti Mahuta and Chinese. Academic and te reo speaker Jenny Lee-Morgan explores the forging of the two cultures via the marriage of her Chinese grandfather and Māori grandmother. Lee-Morgan's family talk about facing racism, fitting into a Pākehā world and being a Chinese-Māori New Zealander. Family members return to Southern China to experience a world where they suddenly "blend in". Lee-Morgan's brother P...

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te reo maori / chinese-kiwi / intermarriage / otago / west coast / tamaki makaurau / market gardens / history / southern china / tea / racism / colonial nz / poll tax / waikato university / children / marriage / kura / kuia / tainui / poaka / urupa / customs / tradition / david lee / peter lee / stephen lee / maryann lee / tupuna / immigration / ancestors / professor margaret mutu / korero / doreen hone / jack chong / lily chong / japanese invasion / germany / siblings / lonely ghosts / kahukura mei ling lee / poutu / beijing / language / riverhead primary school / gum zei / shared values / hong kong / anti-chinese / whānau / mangere / cemetery / apirana ngata / casual racism / china / hainamana / chinese-māori / willie gin te young / chinese immigration act / gold mining / manying ip

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