
Hikoi to Out in the City (2021)

Hikoi to Out in the City (2021)

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Hikoi to Out in the City (2021)
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Interviews with people on the hikoi to Out in the City, which was held on 27 March 2021. The hikoi is followed by the opening of Out in the City at the Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington. Details. 00:01 - Paddy Noble and Levi Torrey . 03:21 - Sid and Mock. 04:50 - Michelle Dawes and Tamsin Matthews

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Frank Kitts Park, Wellington
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Wellington Pride Festival 2021 / Homosexual Law Reform / non-binary / takatāpui / trans / 1980s / 2020s / accessibility / ancestors / Catholicism / church / conversion / reparative therapy / COVID-19 (coronavirus) / COVID-19 lockdown / disability / disability rights / hand sanitiser / health care / hīkoi / housing crisis / human rights / indigenous peoples / interfaith / Māori / Māori Wardens / Member of Parliament / mental health / people of colour / Sani Squad (COVID-19) / sign language / suicide / suicide prevention / vaccination / visibility / whakawhanaungatanga / youth / youth ball / Frank Kitts Park / Wellington Regional Hospital / Aotearoa New Zealand / Gisborne / Lower Hutt / Palmerston North / Upper Hutt / Wellington / Cross Agency Rainbow Network (CARN) / InsideOUT Kōaro / Newlands Intermediate School (Wellington) / Public Service Association (PSA) / The Glamaphones / Tīwhanawhana / Wellington International Pride Parade (WIPP) / Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act 2021 / Homosexual Law Reform Act (1986) / Awaken Gathering (2021) / He Tangata (performance) / Hikoi to Out in the City / Out in the City (Wellington) / Pride Parade (Wellington) / Wellington Pride Festival (2021) / Ahi Wi-Hongi / Elizabeth Kerekere / Hugh Young / James Shaw / Jan Logie / Jennifer Edwards / Levi Torrey / Michelle Dawes / Paddy Noble / Ricardo Menendez March / Roger Swanson / Ropata Maxwell / Roxy Coervers / Sarah Arndt / Tabby Besley / Taine Polkinghorne / Tony Mackle / Vivian Lyngdoh

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