
Whakarongo: Pride, ILGA World and beyond

Whakarongo: Pride, ILGA World and beyond

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Whakarongo: Pride, ILGA World and beyond
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Interviews with participants from the community hui: Whakarongo - Pride, ILGA World and beyond. The hui was organised by Tiwhanawhana Trust and held at Wellington Public Library on 27 January 2018. The hui followed division within the communities relating to various issues - including police marching (or not) in the Auckland Pride parade. Detail...

Date created
Wellington City Library, Wellington
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Events / femme / gay / lesbian / takatāpui / trans / transgender / whakawahine / 2010s / activism / Bisexual flag / colonisation / community / Diversity Liaison Officers (police) / flags / hui / indigenous peoples / Intersex flag / kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) / kaupapa / korero / mahi / manaakitanga / media / oppression / parade / peace / police / Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / prison / prisoners / Rainbow flag / Rongo / safer communities / social media / state violence / tangata whenua / Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism (TERF) / values / waiata / Wellington City Library / / / Aotearoa New Zealand / Auckland / Pacific / Wellington / Department of Corrections / Gender Minorities Aotearoa (GMA) / ILGA World / New Zealand Police / Out Wellington Inc. / People Against Prisons Aotearoa (formerly known as No Pride In Prisons) / Prisoner Correspondence Network / Tīwhanawhana / Tīwhanawhana Trust / Auckland Pride Festival / Auckland Pride festival (2019) / ILGA World Conference (2019) / Out in the Park (Wellington) / Pride parade / Pride parade (Auckland) / Stonewall riots (1969) / Adrienne Girling / Dana de Milo / Jac Lynch / Jack Trolove / Jesse Porter / Kassie Hartendorp / Kay'la Riarn / Laura Drew / Mani Bruce Mitchell / Richard Tankersley / Shelley Te Waiariki Howard / Sian Torrington / Victor Taurewa Biddle / Elizabeth Kerekere / Kevin Haunui

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