
Art, Craft and the AIDS Crisis - a panel discussion

Art, Craft and the AIDS Crisis - a panel discussion

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Art, Craft and the AIDS Crisis - a panel discussion
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Audio from the panel discussion Art, Craft and the AIDS Crisis held at the Dowse Art Museum, Lower Hutt on 26 May 2018. The event was chaired by Simon Gennard, 2017 Blumhardt Foundation/Creative New Zealand Curatorial Intern and curator of Sleeping Arrangements and featured panelists Kevin Jensen, Richard Benge and Julia Craig. A special thank y...

Date created
Dowse Art Museum, Lower Hutt
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HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand / HIV / AIDS / gay / homosexual / 1980s / 1990s / 2010s / academia / activism / AIDS orphan / antiretroviral drugs / apathy / artist / arts / BDSM / breast feeding / burnout / CD4 count / CD4 threshold / cremation / death / drug trial / exhibition / grave / grief / healing / heirloom / HIV education / HIV stigma / karanga / media / memorial / needle exchange programme / people of colour / photography / PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) / protease inhibitors / quilt / remembrance / research / ritual / school / sewing / sex / sex work / sexual histories (University of Auckland paper) / stigma / storytelling / tangata whenua / television / undetectable viral load / unfolding / voguing / working bee / Auckland Art Gallery / NZAF Āwhina Centre / Michael Fowler Centre / University of Auckland / Wellington Botanic Gardens / Wellington Railway Station / Westfield Mall / / / Aotearoa New Zealand / Gee's Bend (USA) / Lower Hutt / Manners Mall / Nelson / New York City / Romania / San Francisco / United States of America / Washington D.C. / Wellington / Act Up / AIDS Memorial Quilt / AIDS Support Network / Artists Alliance / Arts Access Aotearoa / Arts Council of New Zealand / House of LaBeija / Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa / NAMES Project / New Zealand AIDS Foundation (NZAF) / New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt / Pharmaceutical Management Agency (Pharmac) / Dowse Art Museum / Window Gallery (Auckland) / AIDS at Home (exhibition) / Art AIDS America (exhibition) / Ektachrome Archive / How to Survive a Plague (documentary) / Implicated and Immune (exhibition) / Mr Gay New Zealand / Red Spill (installation) / Sleeping Arrangements (exhibition, 2018) / The Crystal Quilt / Beacons of Hope (Wellington) / Candlelight Memorials / World AIDS Day / poofter / Ann Packer / Brendan Pole / Catherine Tizard / Charlie Tredway / Cleve Jones / Denny Moran / Derek Jarman / Felix Gonzalez-Torres / Ian Smith / Ian Williams / Jean Stewart / John Chorlton / John Eade / Julia Craig / Justin Smith / Keith Gray / Kevin Jensen / Kia LaBeija / Kiki Smith / Leigh Teirawhiti Ransfield / Liberace / Lyle Ashton Harris / Malcolm Harrison / Michael McCabe / Nicki Eddy / Peter Cuthbert / Richard Benge / Rob Calder / Robert Mapplethorpe / Rodger Wright / Ron Athey / Rudi ten Have / Rudolf Nureyev / Simon Gennard / Simon Morley / Suzanne Lacy / Ted Kerr / Terry Stringer / Welby Ings / Zac Langdon-Pole / David Do

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