About this item
- Title
- Self care tactics for mental health - Shift hui (2018)
- Content partner
- PrideNZ
- Collection
- PrideNZ
- Description
A group chat from members of our communities, bringing a frank and honest discussion of experiences of mental health, and tactics for keeping yourself resilient in times of mental distress.Facilitated by Alex Ker, with panelists Kate Aschoff, Theta Likins, Aliyah Winter, Jarrod Klooster, Richard Fray. A special thank you to the participants and ...
- Format
- Audio
- Date created
- 20-04-2018
- Creator
- PrideNZ.com
- https://www.pridenz.com/shift_2018_self_care_tactics_for_mental_health.html
- Locations
- Te Horouta Marae, Porirua
- Related subjects
- Shift hui (2018) / Youth / 2010s / addiction / anxiety / back pain / befriending yourself / bike ride / biphobia / boundaries / bravery / Buddhism / budget / bullying / burnout / capitalism / chronic pain / colonialism / community / compassion / consent / cooking / dancing / depression / diary / dissociation / dysphoria / eating / empathy / employment / family / feelings / friends / happiness / headaches / healing / health / health system / heteronormativity / hui / inner parent / inner voice / kindness / laughter / love / love yourself / mania / meditation / mental health / movies / music / National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) / oppression / organised / organising / pain / parents / patriarchal system / persistence / physical pain / Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / pronouns / relationships / resilience / routine / secondary school / self awareness / self care / self defence / self respect / self-acceptance / self-critical / sleep / socialise / socialism / structure / substance abuse / suicide / suicide prevention / time / tough love / transphobia / treat / video games / volunteer / walking / water / wellness / youth / Te Horouta Marae / Porirua / Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) / InsideOUT Kōaro / Shift hui / Alex Ker / Aliyah Winter / Jarrod Klooster / John Kirwan / Kate Aschoff / Richard Fray / Theta Likins
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