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Audio from the IDAHOBIT event held at Parliament. The panel presentation marked the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Biphobia and Intersexphobia. A special thank you to the Rainbow NZ Parliamentary Network and the community participants for allowing us to record and share this event. Details. 0:00:12 - Karakia/mihi - Kevin Haun...

Date created
Parliament buildings, Wellington
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bisexual / genderqueer / homosexual / intersex / takatāpui / tangata ira tane / trans / transgender / wahine toa / whakawahine / 1980s / 1990s / 2010s / acceptance / adoption / ageing / anti discrimination / attitude / bathrooms / biphobia / birth certificate / bullying / community / corrective surgery / culture / death certificate / detention centre / difference / discrimination / District Health Board (DHB) / diversity / elder issues / equality / family / Family court / flags / funding / gender affirming healthcare / gender expression / gender identity / gender neutral bathrooms / gender reassignment surgery / government / health / health care / health rights / health system / high cost treatment pool (Ministry of Health) / HIV / AIDS / homelessness / homophobia / homophobic violence / homosexual law reform / hope / hui / human rights / identity documents / intersex phobia / Intersex roundtable / kaupapa / law / legal gender recognition / marriage equality / medicalisation / medications / Member of Parliament / mental health / national rainbow strategy / normalisation surgery / passport / politics / positive ageing / PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) / prison / Rainbow flag / rangatahi / resource / respect / safe space / safety / school / sex characteristics / sexual violence / solidarity / stamps / stigma / stress / suicide / surgery / survey / taonga / Tiriti o Waitangi / Treaty of Waitangi / tolerance / top surgery / torture / training / transphobia / validation / volunteer / waiata / whānau / youth / Parliament buildings / Aotearoa New Zealand / Invercargill / Ireland / Malta / Scotland / Wellington / Whanganui / Whangarei / Department of Corrections / Education Review Office (ERO) / Evolve Wellington Youth Service / Green Party / Human Rights Commission / ILGA World / InsideOUT Kōaro / Intersex Trust Aotearoa New Zealand (ITANZ) / Male Survivors of Sexual Assault Trust (MOSAIC) / mana wahine / Te Paati Māori / Manatū Hauora Ministry of Health / National Party / New Zealand AIDS Foundation (NZAF) / New Zealand Labour Party / Rainbow NZ Parliamentary Network / Rainbow Wellington / Rainbow Youth / Social Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (Superu) / Statistics New Zealand / Tīwhanawhana / Tīwhanawhana Trust / United Future / World Health Organization (WHO) / Bill of Rights Act (1990) / Declaration of Independence / Ending HIV (campaign) / Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act (2015, Malta) / He Tohu (National Library exhibition) / Homosexual Law Reform Act (1986) / Human Rights Act (1993) / Marriage Amendment Act (2012) / To Be Who I Am (2008) / Whanau Ora / Women's suffrage petition (1893) / International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia and Intersexphobia (IDAHOIBT - 17 May) / Pink Shirt Day / Shift hui / Shift hui (2017) / Allyson Hamblett / Bella Simpson / Chris Bishop / Chris Carter / Cynthia Brophy / Elizabeth Kerekere / George Coulton / Grant Robertson / Jack Byrne / Jan Logie / Jem Traylen / Jillian Chrisp / Jonathan Coleman / Jonathan Sinclair / Kevin Hague / Kevin Haunui / Kyle Stutter / Louisa Wall / Mani Bruce Mitchell / Marama Fox / Moana Eruera / Nicola Willis / Nikki Kaye / Pastor Martin Niemoller / Paul Foster-Bell / Peter Dunne / Rangimarie Turuki Rose Pere / Richard Tankersley / Tabby Besley / Te Ururoa Flavell / Tommy Hamilton / Ngāti Toa Rangatira

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