
John Jakeman profile

John Jakeman profile

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John Jakeman profile
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John Jakeman talks about growing up in Wellington in the 1950s, working at the Royal Oak tavern in the 1970s, police persecution, homosexual law reform and marriage.

Date created
Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand
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John Jakeman / bisexual / gay / homosexual / lesbian / queer / transexual / transgender / transvestite / 1890s / 1900s / 1910s / 1940s / 1950s / 1960s / 1970s / 1980s / acceptance / activism / amphetamines / Anti Springbok tour protest (1981) / arts / aversion therapy / babysitting / barber / barman / bars / beating / birth name / boxing / brothels / cats bar / cheese / children / Christianity / church / cinema / closeted / clothing / conversion / reparative therapy / crime / cross dressing / cruise ship / cruising / dance / depression / discrimination / dress up / dresses / drugs / effeminate / Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) / elocution lesson / engagement / entrapment / family / farming / fear / feminism / flamboyant / Flapper / freedom / gay liberation movement / gloves / God / gonorrhea / hair / hairdressing / hand movements / hat / heroin / heteronormativity / holding hands / homeguard / homophobic violence / homosexual law reform / horse / hunting / idealism / institutionalised homosexuality / internal stigma / internalised homophobia / internet / jeweler / jewellery / journalism / judgement / kissing / language / lavender trousers / law / Māori / march / marriage / Member of Parliament / mental illness / military / miscarriage / mon mari / monogamy / murder / name change / newspapers / oppression / persecution / pig hunting / pocket money / police / property rights / psychiatric hospital / psychiatric treatment / public affection / public display of affection (PDA) / public toilet / public transport / Queen's City (Wellington) / queer bashing / raids / refugee / relationships / religion / rural / sailor / self-evident / sex work / sexual revolution / sexuality / ships / shoes / single beds / slow dance / smuggle / stables / STI / tea party / theatre / theatrical / toasted sandwich / tram / transvestism / undercover police / violence / voice / watchmaker / wedding / wharves / white feather / wig / wine / women's liberation movement / Bistro bar / Carmen's International Coffee Lounge / Club bar (Royal Oak Hotel) / Dominion Hotel / Forester's Arms Hotel / Grand Hotel / James Smith's / Karori / Karori Reservoir / The Balcony / Le Balcon / Mexicali bar (Wellington) / Newtown School / Parliament buildings / Porirua Mental Hospital / Powder Puff (referred to as the Powder Poof, Wellington) / Railway Tavern / Regent Tavern / RNZAF Base Shelly Bay / Royal Oak Hotel / Tavern bar (Royal Oak Hotel) / Toledo bar (Royal Oak Hotel) / Trentham Military Camp / Wallaceville House (Upper Hutt) / Wellington City Library / Wellington Regional Hospital / Wellington Railway Station / Aotearoa New Zealand / Auckland / Barcelona / Berhampore / California / Christchurch / Constable Street / Cuba Street / Dunedin / France / Germany / Hagley Park / Nairn Street (Wellington) / Newtown / Raumati / Spain / Wellington / United Kingdom / United States of America / Wainuiomata / Wairarapa / Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) / Disabled Servicemen's Re-establishment League / Dorian Society / Letsbian club (sp? Wellington) / Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa / New Zealand Army / New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) / New Zealand Labour Party / Wellington Free Kindergarten Association / Homosexual Law Reform Act (1986) / Kinsey Reports / The Joy of Sex (book) / Boer War / Korean War / Springbok rugby tour (1981) / Stonewall riots (1969) / Vietnam War / World War 1 / World War 2 / bar queens / beats / bog queens / demon (undercover police) / dressed up / faggot / granny / aunty / hit / hunting lesbian / limp-wristed / mincing / my hat / pansy / pervert / poof / poofter / sissy / special friends / sprung / the other side / Alfred Kinsey / Alice Cooper / Arnold Nordmeyer / Carl Jung / Carmen Rupe / Charles Allan Aberhart / Colin Moyle / Dana de Milo / David Bowie / Erich Fromm / Fran Wilde / Francisco Franco / Janis Joplin / Jon English / Marilyn Waring / Sigmund Freud / Stuart Cameron / Thomas Cameron

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