
Chechnya Vigil

Chechnya Vigil

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Chechnya Vigil
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Audio from the Chechnya Vigil held outside the Russian embassy in Wellington. The candlelight vigil was organised to show solidarity with the people who have reportedly been rounded up in Chechnya because of their gay or bisexual orientation (or perceived sexual orientation) and then detained in concentration-like prisons. Some of these people a...

Date created
Embassy of the Russian Federation in New Zealand, Wellington
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bisexual / gay / non-binary / queer / 2010s / abuse / activism / bigotry / binary / community / concentration camp / crime / cross political party working group / death / democracy / diversity / education / flags / freedom / gender / gender binary / gender diverse / God / government / homophobic violence / homosexual law reform / hope / human rights / indigenous peoples / indigenous rights / kaumatua / love / marae / Member of Parliament / murder / Nazi Germany / people of colour / photography / police / politics / prayer / public display of affection (PDA) / Rainbow flag / school / silence / singing / social media / social networking / solidarity / state violence / support / The Holocaust / torture / tupuna / tupuna takatāpui / vigil / violence / waiata / whānau / whenua / women / youth / Aotea Square (Auckland) / Auschwitz concentration camp / Australian High Commission / Embassy of the Russian Federation in New Zealand / Parliament buildings / / Aotearoa New Zealand / Auckland / Canada / Chechnya / Germany / Nigeria / Russia / Uganda / United Kingdom / United States of America / Amnesty International / European Union / Rainbow NZ Parliamentary Network / Mr Gay Wellington / Chechnya Vigil (Wellington) / Shift hui / Shift hui (2017) / Adrian Renor / Amanduh la Whore / Donald Trump / Grant Robertson / Jan Logie / Max Tweedie / Murray McCully / Roxy Coervers / Shelley Te Waiariki Howard / Ngāti Raukawa

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