
Wellington Pride Parade 2017

Wellington Pride Parade 2017

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Wellington Pride Parade 2017
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Audio from the Wellington Pride Parade 2017. This was the first time in over two decades that a pride parade has marched through the city. A special thank you to the participants and organisers for allowing us to record this event. Details. 00:01 - Amanduh la Whore, organiser of the parade. 00:49 - Suzanne Tamaki, Wellington City Council

Date created
Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand
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Wellington Pride Festival 2017 / bisexual / gay / genderqueer / intersex / lesbian / non-binary / pansexual / queer / transgender / 1990s / 2010s / acceptance / attack / Bisexual flag / Christianity / church / community / condoms / dance / dignity agenda / drag / endocrinologist / flags / gender dysphoria / gender identity / gender reassignment surgery / health / health care / health rights / health system / HIV education / HIV stigma / HIV / AIDS / homophobia / homophobic violence / homosexual law reform / hormone replacement therapy (HRT) / hormone treatment / marriage equality / mayor / Member of Parliament / Pansexual flag / parade / police / Rainbow flag / safe sex / safe space / school / Segway / sex education / stigma / suicide prevention / support / surgery / teacher / tertiary education / Transgender flag / university / visibility / volunteer / whānau / women's rights / youth / youth group / NZAF Āwhina Centre / Waitangi Park / Aotearoa New Zealand / Auckland / Australia / Courtenay Place / London / Paris / Singapore / Sydney / Tennyson Street / Wellington / Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) / ANZ Bank New Zealand / DANSS (Wellington) / Different Strokes Wellington (DSW) / Education Review Office (ERO) / Green Party / InsideOUT Kōaro / New Zealand AIDS Foundation (NZAF) / New Zealand Council of Trade Unions (CTU) / New Zealand Labour Party / New Zealand Police / New Zealand Union of Students' Associations / Post Primary Teachers Association (PPTA) / Rainbow Pages / Tīwhanawhana / Wellington Batucada / Wellington City Council / Ending HIV (campaign) / Day of Silence / Devotion (Wellington) / Devotion parade / Love parade (Wellington) / Out in the Park (Wellington) / Pride / Pride parade / Pride parade (Auckland) / Pride Parade (Wellington) / Shift hui / Sydney Mardi Gras / Wellington Pride Festival (2017) / Adrienne Girling / Amanduh la Whore / Connor McLeod / Dana de Milo / Deborah Stewart / Des Smith / Donald Trump / Grant Robertson / Heta Timu / James Bennett / Jan Logie / John Jolliff / Jonathan Gee / Justin Lester / Kate Aschoff / Kevin Haunui / Louisa Wall / Mari North / Miss Cola / Rawa Karetai / Suzanne Tamaki

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