
Ted Greensmith-West

Ted Greensmith-West

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Ted Greensmith-West
Content partner

In the 30th anniversary year of homosexual law reform, Ted considers three areas that still require attention: legislative change, social acceptance and international diplomacy.

Date created
Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand
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Homosexual Law Reform / agender / asexual / intersex / lesbian / queer / transgender / 1990s / 2000s / 2010s / abuse / acceptance / activism / adoption / affirmation / anti-gay laws / birth certificate / Board of Trustees / Catholic school / civil unions / closeted / coming out / empowerment / equality / exclusion / family / friends / gender expression / gender identity / growing up / homophobia / homophobic bullying / homosexual law reform / human rights / idealism / identity documents / international diplomacy / internet / language / law / marginalisation / marriage / marriage equality / media / oppression / othering / pain / parents / politics / pornography / prison / public display of affection (PDA) / queer bashing / queer rights / queer straight alliance (QSA) / rainbow refugee / reclaim / religion / religious education / romantic / romantic development / safety / school / self preservation / sexual development / sexual orientation / single sex schools / sport / support / television / verbal abuse / visibility / women / women's rights / worker's rights / Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington / Aotearoa New Zealand / Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) / United Kingdom / Wellington / Destiny Church / Family First NZ / Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) / The Trevor Project / United Nations / Human Rights Act (1993) / Marriage Amendment Act (2012) / Enough is Enough (2004, Destiny Church rally) / Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics / Bob McCoskrie / Hillary Clinton / Jacinda Ardern / Louisa Wall / Ted Greensmith-West

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