
Remembering Neil Costelloe

Remembering Neil Costelloe

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Remembering Neil Costelloe
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Jayne (sitting by an open fire) remembers her brother Neil Costelloe. Neil was very active in the fight for homosexual law reform in the mid-1980s. A few years later he died from AIDS-related causes in April 1990. Neil's quilt panel on the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt can be viewed here.

Date created
Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand
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Homosexual Law Reform / gay / lesbian / 1980s / 1990s / activism / anger / bars / bravery / bullying / cancer / Catholicism / children / coming out / dance / depression / design / disco / discrimination / drawing / dream / dress up / employment / family / fearless / friends / gay liberation movement / graphic design / health / health insurance / helpline / HIV / AIDS / homosexual law reform / human rights / isolation / Lambda symbol / marriage / media / mental health / overseas experience (OE) / parents / parties / photo journalism / photography / police / posters / protest / queer bashing / rally / relationships / religion / repression / rugby / school / self defence / sewing / sport / support / television / wills / NZAF Āwhina Centre / Whairepo / Frank Kitts Park Lagoon / Golders Green Crematorium (London) / Ngā Taonga Sound and Vision / Parliament buildings / Railway Tavern / Wellington Botanic Gardens / Aotearoa New Zealand / Banks Peninsula / Christchurch / Gebbies Pass / Greymouth / Ireland / Kumara / London / Mount Ruapehu / New York City / Pipitea Street / San Francisco / United Kingdom / Wellington / West Coast / AIDS Memorial Quilt / Gay Task Force / Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand (LAGANZ) / Massey University / New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt / New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation (NZBC) / Pink Triangle collective / Salvation Army / Tai Tapu School / Wellington Gay Switchboard / Wellington Gay Task Force / Greymouth Evening Star (newspaper) / Homosexual Law Reform Act (1986) / Beacons of Hope (Wellington) / Easter Rising (Ireland) / Lesbian and Gay Dances (Wellington) / gay cancer / God Bless Us Nelly Queens / Arthur Tauhore / Bayly Watson / David Hindley / Jayne Costelloe / Jon Lusk / Kat Hall / Neil Anderson / Neil Costelloe / Rob Lake / Roger Swanson / Sally Hunter / Shane Town

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