
Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura - Outing Violence - Proud 2016

Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura - Outing Violence - Proud 2016

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Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura - Outing Violence - Proud 2016
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Audio from the workshop: Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura - Outing Violence.Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura - Outing Violence is dedicated to building rainbow communities in Aotearoa New Zealand free of partner and sexual violence. Formed with a stellar advisory group in 2015, the project has built a website with rainbow-specific resources, and held 20 hui with ...

Date created
University of Otago Wellington School of Medicine, Wellington
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Proud 2016 / agender / gay / intersex / lesbian / queer / trans / transgender / 2010s / abuse / alcohol / anger / Asian / behaviour / binding / biphobia / body image / clothing / controlling behaviour / counselling / deadname / disability / discrimination / domestic violence / drug rape / drugs / education / family violence / feminism / friends / gender diverse / gender identity / hate sexual violence / homophobia / hui / hypervigilance / identity / impairment / intimate partner violence / isolation / language / loyalty / Māori / marriage / media / Pakeha / partner violence / Pasifika / peace / pets / police / Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / power / predator / pronouns / racism / rainbow age / rainbow relationships / rape / resource / role model / safe house / same-sex partner violence / self harm / sex / sexual abuse / sexual violence / sexuality / shame / social media / social networking / sport / support / survey / tangata whenua / threats / transphobia / transphobic violence / violence / violence prevention / website / youth / University of Otago Wellington School of Medicine / / Grindr / Aotearoa New Zealand / Auckland / Christchurch / Dunedin / Gisborne / Nelson / Palmerston North / Wellington / Whangarei / Box Oceania / Evolve Wellington Youth Service / Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura - Outing Violence / Ministry of Social Development / NZPC: Aotearoa New Zealand Sex Workers' Collective / Outerspaces (Wellington) / OUTLine NZ / Rainbow Youth / Rape Crisis / Shakti New Zealand / Te Kaha o te Rangatahi Trust (Auckland) / Te Ohaaki A Hine National Network Ending Sexual Violence Together / Tīwhanawhana / Village Collective (Auckland) / Women's Refuge / Salient (magazine) / Love Life Fono / Proud 2016 (Wellington) / hookups / rainbow / Ahi Wi-Hongi / Duncan Matthews / Elizabeth Kerekere / Fetu-ole-moana Teuila Tamapeau / Kassie Hartendorp / Moeawa Tamanui-Fransen / Rachel Fabish / Sam Orchard / Sandra Dickson / Sandz Peipi Te Pou / Siaosi Mulipola / Tabby Besley / Tamara Anderson / Trevor Easton

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