
Dangerous Desires - Same Same But Different

Dangerous Desires - Same Same But Different

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Dangerous Desires - Same Same But Different
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Audio from the session: Dangerous Desires.In the past, LGBTQI readers had to search for sexual information in often blatantly homophobic texts: yet so deep was the need that readers found a LGBTQI presence in the strangest and often the funniest places. Authors and notables share the pitfalls and pratfalls on their journey to self-knowledge. The...

Date created
Auckland University of Technology, Auckland
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Same Same But Different (2016) / asexual / bisexual / butch / gay / intersex / lesbian / pansexual / queer / trans / transgender / 1980s / 2010s / activism / allies / Barbie dolls / books / civil unions / clothing / clothing catalogue / condoms / crime writing / dance / depression / dildo / disco / erotica / exercise / family / fantasy / farm / fishing / gender identity / growing up / hair / HIV / AIDS / homophobia / homosexual law reform / homosexual law reform petition / identity / internet / lust / magazines / mail order / marriage / marriage equality / masturbation / meetings / Member of Parliament / newspapers / parents / phone tapping / poetry / pornography / rugby / rural / school / school ball / sex / sex work / sexual orientation / sexuality / sport / teaching / underwear / women / writing / Auckland Girls' Grammar School / Auckland University of Technology / Garnet Station (Auckland) / St Cuthbert's College (Auckland) / Aotearoa New Zealand / Auckland / Dunedin / France / Matamata / Paris / Wellington / Dykes on Mics (Auckland) / Fingerprints and Teeth Productions / Mills and Boon / New Zealand Labour Party / Playmarket / The Daughters of Bilitis / The Women's Bookshop / Back to the Future (film) / Boys in the Band (play) / Dangerous Desires (1991) / Desperate Remedies (1993) / Five Go Mad (tv) / Ghostbusters (film) / I Have Loved Me A Man (song) / La Bamba (film) / Lady Chatterley's Lover (book) / Man on Man (magazine) / Orlando (film) / Poems to Lesbia / Ride a Hard Cock (book) / Strictly Ballroom (film) / Super City (tv) / Tales of the City (books) / The Famous Five (book) / The Happy Hooker: My Own Story (book) / The Little Red Book / The Price of Salt (book) / The Second Sex (book) / The Well of Loneliness (book) / The World of Suzie Wong (film) / This Is Not For You (book) / Twilight Women Around the World (book) / Uncle Vanya (play) / What's Happening To Me? (book) / Where Did I Come From? (book) / Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (film) / Woman or Girlfriend (poem) / Heroes Out West (Auckland) / Matariki Poetry Slam / Poetry Idol Slam / Samesame But Different (2016) / faggot / invert / Allison Durbin / Anton Chekhov / Carole Beu / Christopher Isherwood / D. H. Lawrence / Frank Sargeson / Gaius Valerius Catullus / Geoff Braybrooke / Germaine Greer / Grant Robertson / Heather McDonald / Jane Rule / Jen Shieff / Julie Watson / Madeleine Sami / Nick Jones / Patricia Highsmith / Peter Wells / R. Leighton Hasselrodt / Radclyffe Hall / Ritchie Valens / Simone de Beauvoir / Stevan Eldred-Grigg / Steven Joyce / Thomas Sainsbury / Tilda Swinton / Tim Blanks / Tom Selleck / Verity George / Whaitiri Mikaere / Witi Ihimaera / Xaviera Hollander

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