
Larger Than Life Stories - Same Same But Different

Larger Than Life Stories - Same Same But Different

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Larger Than Life Stories - Same Same But Different
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Audio from the session: Larger Than Life Stories.Alison Mau wrote the remarkable story of Liz Roberts, the first New Zealander to undergo full sex-change surgery. Joanne Drayton wrote a New York Times bestselling biography of Anne Perry, a celebrated international crime-writer but notoriously also one of the young women found guilty of murdering...

Date created
Auckland University of Technology, Auckland
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Same Same But Different (2016) / lesbian / transgender / 1940s / 1950s / 1990s / 2010s / Anglicanism / art history / biography / birth certificate / books / broadcasting / Christianity / church / crime / dignity / double mastectomy / elders / family / friends / gender identity / ghost writing / gynaecologist / herstory / High Court / history / hospital / humour / identity / identity documents / integrity / journalism / language / law / makeup / marriage / marriage certificate / marriage equality / marriage records / media / movies / MtF / murder / mystery novel / newspapers / oppression / pensioner / police / regrets / religion / sex / gender reassignment surgery / spirituality / storytelling / surgeon / surgery / television / travel / Vikings / women / writing / Auckland University of Technology / Burwood Hospital Plastic Surgery Unit / University of Auckland / Victoria Park (Christchurch) / Aotearoa New Zealand / Auckland / Canada / Christchurch / London / United Kingdom / Vancouver / Archives New Zealand / HarperCollins Publishers / Harrods (UK) / KG Club (Auckland) / TVNZ (Television New Zealand) / Upstart Press / Dictionary of New Zealand Biography / Fair Go (tv) / First Lady: From Boyhood to Womanhood (book) / Frances Hodgkins: A Private Viewing (book) / Marriage Amendment Act (2012) / Ngaio Marsh: Her Life in Crime (book) / Parker and Hulme: a lesbian view (book) / Perfectly Natural: The audacious story of Iris Florence Peter Williams (book) / The Search for Anne Perry (book) / Samesame But Different (2016) / of the lesbian type / one of those sort of women / Alison Mau / Anne Perry / Carole Beu / Catherine Deneuve / Edith Collier / Enid Blyton / Frances Hodgkins / Joanne Drayton / Jonathan Elsom / Julie Glamuzina / Juliet Hulme / Lesley Lawson / Liz Roberts / Neil Armstrong / Ngaio Marsh / Oprah Winfrey / Patricia Wentworth / Pauline Parker / Peter Wells / Peter Williams / Radclyffe Hall / Tom Milliken

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