
Elizabeth Kerekere - homosexual law reform

Elizabeth Kerekere - homosexual law reform

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Elizabeth Kerekere - homosexual law reform
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Elizabeth reflects on her early activist years with the Black Women's movement, homosexual law reform, the formation of Tiwhanawhana and the new resource booklet Takataapui: part of the whanau - a continuation of her support for diverse rainbow communities.The booklet can be freely downloaded from the Mental Health Foundation.

Date created
Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand
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Homosexual Law Reform / cisgender / femme / gender fluid / takatāpui / 1980s / academia / academics / acceptance / actions / activism / advice / allies / ancestors / anti-nuclear movement / artist / arts / biculturalism / biphobia / Black Women's movement / cars / carving / children / church / civil unions / colonisation / conference / connect / conversation / culture / depression / disconnection / discrimination / Doctor of Philosophy degree (PhD) / elders / energy / funding / gender identity / gestetner / government / grief / HIV / AIDS / homophobia / homophobic bullying / homosexual law reform / honour / honours / housing / hui / identity / intersectionality / iwi / kapa haka / kaupapa / law / leadership / leafleting / lesbian feminism / mana / Māori / marae / march / marriage / marriage equality / Member of Parliament / mental health / mentor / museums / national rainbow strategy / nuclear free / photocopy / polarisation / politics / priorities / privilege / project management / prove heterosexuality / racism / reconnect / religion / resource / self employment / self harm / sexual orientation / softball / spirituality / sport / strategic development / suicide / suicide prevention / support / tapu / teachers college / teaching / tikanga / Tiriti o Waitangi / Treaty of Waitangi / transphobia / travel / Treaty relations / video / visual arts / wairua / weaving / whakapapa / whānau / youth / Parliament buildings / / Aotearoa New Zealand / Dunedin / Gisborne / Palmerston North / Tairawhiti / United States of America / Wellington / Amazons Softball Club (Wellington) / Coalition in Support of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill / Destiny Church / Mental Health Foundation / Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa / New Zealand AIDS Foundation (NZAF) / Out There! National Queer Youth Development Project / Rainbow Caucus (Parliament) / Rainbow Youth / Tīwhanawhana / Toihoukura (Gisborne) / Waka Hourua / Young Pacifica / Homosexual Law Reform Act (1986) / Mana Takatāpui (art work) / Maori Sovereignty (book) / Marriage Amendment Act (2012) / Part of the Whanau: The Emergence of Takatāpui Identity (thesis) / Takatāpui: part of the whanau (booklet) / Enough is Enough (2004, Destiny Church rally) / KAHA Youth Hui (2007) / KAHA Youth Hui (2009) / Rainbow Pride Community Honours (Wellington) / Alison Laurie / Alofa Aiono / Audre Lorde / Donna Awatere Huata / Elizabeth Kerekere / Eti Laufiso / Heta Timu / Hinemoana Baker / Kevin Haunui / Marie Laufiso / Peri Te Wao / Pip Laufiso / Tillie Laufiso / Tim Barnett / Ngai Tamanuhiri / Ngāti Konohi / Rongowhakaata / Te Aitanga a Mahaki / Whanau a Kai

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