About this item
- Title
- Kay Jones - homosexual law reform
- Content partner
- PrideNZ
- Collection
- PrideNZ
- Description
Kay talks about homosexual law reform activities in Auckland and Wellington, challenging inequality and bisexual erasure.
- Format
- Audio
- Date created
- 14-10-2015
- Creator
- pridenz.com
- https://www.pridenz.com/kay_jones_homosexual_law_reform.html
- Locations
- Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand
- Related subjects
- Homosexual Law Reform / bisexual / butch / lesbian / transgender / 1980s / 1990s / accessibility / activism / anger / bars / bigotry / bisexual erasure / blogs / children / Chinese / church / coming out / communication / crime / dance / disability / discrimination / diversity / Don't ask, don't tell (DADT) / equal employment opportunities / equality / faith / feminism / flamboyant / friends / Gay-TMs (teller machines) / health / health system / history / HIV / AIDS / homophobia / homosexual law reform / homosexual law reform petition / human rights / humour / identity documents / institutional racism / labels / language / law / marriage / marriage equality / media / meetings / Member of Parliament / newspapers / parties / pedophilia / physics / pink dollar / police / pornography / protest / queer bashing / queer workers rights group / relationships / safe space / saunas / school / sexism / sexuality / silo / social justice / social media / state sector reforms / teaching / theatre sports / transition / transphobia / unions / university / women / Liberation Books (Wellington) / Parliament buildings / Victoria Club / Aotearoa New Zealand / Auckland / Masterton / Wellington / West Coast / AIDS Support Network / Club 41 / Common Ground (Wellington) / Department of Internal Affairs / DOODS (Dykes Out Of Debt) / GLAD (Gays and Lesbians Against Discrimination) / Heterosexuals Unafraid of Gays (HUG) / Human Rights Commission / Lesbian Information, Library and Archives Centre (LILAC) / Lesbian Line (Wellington) / New Zealand Council of Trade Unions (CTU) / Pink Triangle collective / Rainbow Tick / Salvation Army / The Glamaphones / The Queer Avengers (Wellington) / Wellington Bisexual Women's Group / Human Rights Act (1993) / Playboy (magazine) / State Sector Act (1988) / Stonewall riots (1969) / flaming / Alan Cumming / Alison Laurie / Bob McCoskrie / Brian Tamaki / Charles Chauvel / Kay Jones / Norman Jones / Sister Paula Brettkelly
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