About this item
- Title
- Unsettled Diasporas - Auckland Zinefest
- Content partner
- PrideNZ
- Collection
- PrideNZ
- Description
Audio from Unsettled Diasporas - a panel discussion on Asian feminism from contributors to Mellow Yellow, a local Asian feminist zine. The panel was part of Auckland Zinefest 2015. A special thank you to the organisers and participants for allowing us to record.
- Format
- Audio
- Date created
- 29-08-2015
- Creator
- PrideNZ.com
- https://www.pridenz.com/auckland_zinefest_2015_unsettled_diasporas.html
- Locations
- Pitt Street Methodist Church, Auckland
- Related subjects
- 2000s / 2010s / academia / academics / accent privilege / accents / activism / alienation / ancestors / Asian / biculturalism / blogs / Chinese / classism / colonisation / culture / English language / family / feminism / gender identity / housing / housing crisis / identity / indigenous peoples / injustice / internet / intersectionality / language / Māori / marginalisation / microaggression / microresistance / migrants / naming / Neoliberalism / oppression / other / othering / Pakeha / parents / people of colour / poll tax / power / privilege / privilege rating scale / race / racism / self determination / shame / social justice / South Asian feminisms / tangata whenua / Tino Rangatiratanga / Tiriti o Waitangi / Treaty of Waitangi / transphobia / whitewash / women / xenophobia / youth / zines / Pitt Street Methodist Church / Aotearoa New Zealand / Auckland / China / India / Malaysia / Singapore / Auckland City Library / Shakti New Zealand / Tamaki Housing Group / Foreshore and Seabed Act (2004) / Mellow Yellow (zine) / sexual orientation / Auckland Zinefest (2015) / Reclaim the Night / UN World Conference on Women (Nairobi, 1985) / Chandra Mohanty / Gayatri Spivak / Judith Butler / Meng Zhu Fu / Wai Ho
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