
Hamish Allardice profile

Hamish Allardice profile

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Hamish Allardice profile
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Hamish talks about being bullied at school, abuse, addiction and recovery. The AIDS Memorial Quilt panel for Rudi and John can be viewed here.

Date created
Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand
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gay / genderfuck / lesbian / 1970s / 1980s / 1990s / 2000s / abuse / acceptance / addiction / ageing / alcohol / alcohol and drug abuse / amyl / anger / assault / body image / bullying / children / choirs / Christianity / church / coming out / community / compassion / coping mechanisms / cycling / dance / dance party / death / depression / drag / drug abuse / drugs / eating disorders / employment / forgiveness / friends / gardening / grief / growing up / hate / healing / HIV / AIDS / homophobic bullying / homosexual law reform / homosexual law reform petition / honesty / hope / identity / intimacy / isolation / literacy / love / media / memorial / mental health / nightclub / parents / parties / profile / racism / recovery / rehabilitation / relationships / religion / role model / running / rural / safe sex / saunas / school / self esteem / self help / sexual abuse / sexualisation / shame / singing / spirituality / sport / STI / striptease / suicide / support / swimming / triathlon / twelve-step programmes / values / visibility / volunteer / wellbeing / wellness / women / NZAF Āwhina Centre / Bruce Burnett Clinic (Auckland) / Evergreen Coffee House / Whairepo / Frank Kitts Park Lagoon / Overseas Passenger Terminal / Shed 21 / St Andrew's on the Terrace / Turtle Cove Beach Resort (Australia) / Victoria Club / Aotearoa New Zealand / Auckland / Australia / Gisborne / Masterton / Mount Victoria / Netherlands / San Francisco / Sydney / Wairarapa / Wellington / Whanganui / AIDS Support Network / Alcoholics Anonymous / Different Strokes Wellington (DSW) / Dorian Society / Gay and Lesbian Narcotics Anonymous (Wellington) / Narcotics Anonymous / New Zealand AIDS Foundation (NZAF) / Sprung! Productions / The Glamaphones / Wellington Frontrunners / Asia Pacific Outgames (2011) / Beacons of Hope (Wellington) / Candlelight Memorials / Devotion (Wellington) / Gay Games / Hero (Auckland) / Love parade (Wellington) / Sesqui 1990 / beats / fag / faggot / gobbler / mary / Arthur Tauhore / Barbara Thorne / Bruce Burnett / Carmen Rupe / Chrissy Witoko / David Hindley / Dick Johnstone / Elizabeth O'Loughlin / Gareth Watkins / Hamish Allardice / Janet Dunn / John Eade / Kevin Haunui / Mark Harrison / Martin Kaulback / Richard Benge / Rudi ten Have

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