
Session 13 - Beyond conference

Session 13 - Beyond conference

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Session 13 - Beyond conference
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Audio from the session: Imperialism, Nationalism and Queer Liberation.Western discourse often uses gay rights, women's rights, and gender politics to justify imperialism (for example justifying intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq). In this narrative Westerners must act 'for' queers, women, and other oppressed groups in the majority world. Howev...

Date created
Wellington High School, Wellington
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Beyond conference / activism / civil rights / civil unions / class / classism / colonisation / discrimination / equality / family / homonationalism / homonormativity / homophobia / human rights / imperialism / law / liberation / marriage equality / nationalism / oppression / orientalism / Pink washing / politics / Queer liberation / rape / religion / sexual abuse / torture / transphobia / visibility / Abu Ghraib / Wellington High School / Aotearoa New Zealand / Iran / Iraq / Israel / Nigeria / Palestine / Russia / Wellington / alQaws for Sexual and Gender Diversity in Palestinian Society / Campaign for Marriage Equality / Dorian Society / Gay Liberation Front / New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) / Palestinian Queers for Boycott Divestment and Sanctions / Shakti Community Council / The Queer Avengers (Wellington) / queer / 2010s / The Persistent desire: a femme-butch reader / Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to Dennis Rodman / Beyond conference (2013) / Olympic Games / Stonewall riots (1969) / Ali Nissenbaum / Edward Said / Grant Robertson / Ian Anderson / Joan of Arc / Karl Liebknecht / Leslie Feinberg / Malala Yousafzai / Nadie Abu-Shanab / Sarah Schulman / Sylvia Rivera / Sara Fraser

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