Treasures from the Villa Maria College Archive

A DigitalNZ Story by Villa Maria College Archive

A small selection of photographs and objects from the Villa Maria Archive collection.

Villa Maria College, Girls School, Christchurch, History, Catholic, Sisters of Mercy, Women's History, Mercy

A small selection of treasures that can be found in the Villa Maria Archive collection including photographs, sketches and objects from throughout its 100 year history. 

The Sisters of Mercy purchased the property on which the College is now situated in 1917 and the school was opened on 18 February 1918 with 14 pupils enrolled.  In 1921, the sisters staffed and provided classroom space for a new Riccarton Parish School, which eventually became known as the Meadow School, for those Catholic families who could not afford to pay for their children’s education. When another Catholic school (St Teresa’s) opened nearby in 1937, boys were transferred from Villa and from 1941 the school reverted to being a college for girls. The boarding school phased out from 1979 and Villa Maria became a day school. In 1981 the College was integrated into the New Zealand state school system. With the resignation of the last Sister of Mercy Principal in 1992, the first lay Principal was appointed. In 1995 the Sisters gifted the Villa Maria convent buildings to the College for use as classrooms. Villa Maria College, together with the Sisters of Mercy, and past and present students and staff, celebrated the College’s 100th Birthday in 2018. 

Image: Unnamed Student

Unnamed Student

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Tea Dresses 1924

Tea Dresses 1924

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Stella and Cart undated

Stella and Cart undated

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Villa Maria College Dormitory

Villa Maria College Dormitory

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Villa Girls and Tractor

Villa Girls and Tractor

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Meadow School pupils, undated.

Meadow School pupils, undated.

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Meadow School Students in 1938

Meadow School Students in 1938

Villa Maria College Archive

The Meadow School

In 1921, the sisters staffed and provided classroom space for a new Riccarton Parish School, which eventually became known as the Meadow School, for those Catholic families who could not afford to pay for their children’s education.

Although the parish pupils shared space with the Villa girls, it is unlikely that they shared classes, rather the two separate schools shared the same site. This was common with this multi-tiered style of schooling and a distinction between schools was often marked by a physical symbol such separate school gates. Here, the Villa girls wore blue shirts with their uniform while the parish pupils wore white. 

Image: Early Villa Maria College Students

Early Villa Maria College Students

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Boarders at Play

Boarders at Play

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Whole School Photo, 1940's-1950's

Whole School Photo, 1940's-1950's

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: VMC Hat Badge

VMC Hat Badge

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: VMC Hat


Villa Maria College Archive

Image: VMC Hat Badge

VMC Hat Badge

Villa Maria College Archive

With the arrival of Rolf and Wolfgang Just to the college in 1967 music at Villa received a much-needed boost. By 1969 the choir had adopted the name Schola Cantorum. In 1971 the choir recorded an LP record and in 1972 the choir was invited to preform at the opening of the Christchurch Town Hall. 

Image: Christian Doctrine Medal 1927

Christian Doctrine Medal 1927

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Sketch of Villa Maria College

Sketch of Villa Maria College

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: VMC Old Girls Association Badge

VMC Old Girls Association Badge

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Mercy Cup Day 1954

Mercy Cup Day 1954

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Catherine McAuley Prayer Card

Catherine McAuley Prayer Card

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Photograph of Students in Class

Photograph of Students in Class

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Photograph - 1967 Sports Team

Photograph - 1967 Sports Team

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: 1966 Inter Secondary Athletic Team

1966 Inter Secondary Athletic Team

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Photograph of Early Villa Maria Students

Photograph of Early Villa Maria Students

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Primary Students coming up the drive

Primary Students coming up the drive

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Final Group of Boarders

Final Group of Boarders

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Villa Maria Bishop Lyons Debating Team

Villa Maria Bishop Lyons Debating Team

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Pillow fighting on Mercy Day 1962

Pillow fighting on Mercy Day 1962

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Bishop Lyons Shield Debating Team

Bishop Lyons Shield Debating Team

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Debutantes Curtsy

Debutantes Curtsy

Villa Maria College Archive

Villa Maria's first Debutante Ball took place on 29th April 1954 a combined effort of the Old Girls Association (now Past Pupils' Association) and the P.T.A.   By 1992 the event name was changed to ‘Leavers Ball.’ The event remained unchanged and still included being presented to the Bishop as the official mark of a young woman making her debut on the adult social scene. The Leavers’ Ball continued for another five years, running alongside the new Graduation event until 1998. 

Image: Debutante Ball 1957

Debutante Ball 1957

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Debutante Ball 1958

Debutante Ball 1958

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Debutante Ball 1959

Debutante Ball 1959

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Debutante Ball 1960

Debutante Ball 1960

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Debutante Ball 1961

Debutante Ball 1961

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Debutante Ball 1962

Debutante Ball 1962

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Debutante Ball 1963

Debutante Ball 1963

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Debutante Ball 1964

Debutante Ball 1964

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Debutante Ball 1965

Debutante Ball 1965

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: 1966 Debutantes

1966 Debutantes

Villa Maria College Archive

Image: Debutante Ball 1968

Debutante Ball 1968

Villa Maria College Archive