Villa Maria College in Photographs

A DigitalNZ Story by Villa Maria College Archive

A selection of photographs relating to Villa Maria College in collections throughout New Zealand

Villa Maria College, Girls School, Christchurch, History, Catholic, Sisters of Mercy, Women's History, Mercy

Image: Colleen Clinton and Alice White

Colleen Clinton and Alice White

Christchurch City Libraries

Image: Alice White and Olive O'Connor

Alice White and Olive O'Connor

Christchurch City Libraries

Boarders in the 1930s during the early years of the college. 

Upon leaving Villa Maria Alice White went on to tertiary study and a career in teaching. Alice also served in the Women's Auxiliary Air Force during the Second World War.

Five of Villa Maria's former principals, including Villa's first lay principal Mrs Mary Lynch. 

Front Left to Right: Sister Mary Stephen (principal 1948-49), Sister Pauline O'Regan (principal 1950-1966), Sister Teresa O'Connor (principal 1967-1972). 

Back Left to Right: Sister Mary Hanrahan (principal 1973-1992), Mary Lynch (principal 1992-2012) 

Aerial photographs of the College grounds taken in 1968 by V.C. Browne & Son. 

Image: Villa Maria College potato patch art

Villa Maria College potato patch art

Christchurch City Libraries

Image: Teresa Gavigan

Teresa Gavigan

Christchurch City Libraries