About this item
- Title
- Towards Artificial Antenna Complexes of Cadmium Selenide Quantum Dots
- Content partner
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Collection
- Open Access Victoria University of Wellington
- Description
<b>Climate change has created a demand for a paradigm shift in energy generation methods and sources. New and improving renewable energy technologies form a major part of this upheaval. Specifically, solar energy has high energy potential but is still underutilised due to fundamental limits – only a fraction of the solar spectrum can be efficiently harvested. It is possible to overcome these limits using light management processes. However, these depend on an ordered structure to be effective...
- Format
- Research paper
- Research format
- Scholarly text / Thesis
- Thesis level
- Masters
- Date created
- 2023
- Creator
- Chan, Sanutep
- https://figshare.com/articles/thesis/Towards_Artificial_Antenna_Complexes_of_Cadmium_Selenide_Qua...
- Related subjects
- Analytical spectrometry / Instrumental methods (excl. immunological and bioassay methods) / Inorganic chemistry not elsewhere classified / Optical properties of materials / Theory and design of materials / Macromolecular and materials chemistry not elsewhere classified / Organic chemical synthesis / Organic chemistry not elsewhere classified / Colloid and surface chemistry / Physical chemistry not elsewhere classified / quantum dots / cadmium selenide / click chemistry / orthogonal chemistry / nmr / School: School of Chemical and Physical Sciences / Physical Chemistry not elsewhere classified / Structural Chemistry and Spectroscopy / Colloid and Surface Chemistry / Inorganic Chemistry not elsewhere classified / Organic Chemical Synthesis / Organic Chemistry not elsewhere classified / Synthesis of Materials / Optical Properties of Materials / Theory and Design of Materials / Instrumental Methods (excl. Immunological and Bioassay Methods) / Expanding knowledge in the chemical sciences / Solar-photovoltaic energy / Degree Discipline: Chemistry / Degree Level: Masters / Degree Name: Master of Science
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