Research paper

Post-caldera volcanism reveals shallow priming of an intra-ocean arc andesitic caldera; Hunga Volcano, Tonga, SW Pacific

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Post-caldera volcanism reveals shallow priming of an intra-ocean arc andesitic caldera; Hunga Volcano, Tonga, SW Pacific
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University of Otago
Otago University Research Archive

Intra-oceanic arcs are typically associated with intermediate (andesitic) cone volcanoes. However, caldera volcanoes may also form in these settings from very large eruptions, resulting in sudden changes to the magma reservoir. These reservoirs can then produce either semi-continuous or intermittent low-intensity volcanism between major caldera-producing or caldera-deepening eruptions, providing insights into the post-caldera evolution of the system. Hunga volcano (Kingdom of Tonga, Southwest...

Research paper
Research format
Scholarly text / Journal article
Thesis level
Date created
Brenna, Marco / Cronin, Shane J. / Smith, Ian E. M. / Pontesilli, Alessio / Tost, Manuela / Barker, Simon / Tonga'onevai, Sisi / Kula, Taaniela / Vaiomounga, Rennie
Related subjects
andesites / basalts / calderas / chain silicates / clinopyroxene / explosive eruptions / feldspar group / framework silicates / Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai / Igneous and metamorphic petrology / igneous rocks / ignimbrite / island arcs / lava / mafic composition / magma chambers / magmas / Oceania / orthopyroxene / Pacific Ocean / phenocrysts / plagioclase / Polynesia / pyroclastics / pyroxene group / Quaternary geology / silicates / South Pacific / Southwest Pacific / submarine volcanoes / Tonga / volcanic belts / volcanic features / volcanic rocks / volcanism / volcanoes / West Pacific

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