Political Activity and Demonstrations in the 1970s

A DigitalNZ Story by Keith Stewart

The 1970s was a fertile period for political action in New Zealand This story supports an exhibition of images from that period that was at Te Auaha Wellington in February 2023. See an on-line version of the exhibition at www.1970sprotestphotos.nz.

Anti-Apartheid, Peace, Elderly, Environment, Housing, International Solidarity, Gay Rights, Tino Rangatiratanga, Anti-Racism, Civil Liberties, Women's Rights, Trade Union Action

Image: Laying a peace wreath at the Wellington Cenotaph- 1970

Laying a peace wreath at the Wellington Cenotaph- 1970

Uploaded by DigitalNZ user Keith Stewart

Image: Muldoon at demonstration

Muldoon at demonstration

Uploaded by DigitalNZ user Keith Stewart

1970 - key events - The 1970s

Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage