Political Activity and Demonstrations in the 1970s
A DigitalNZ Story by Keith Stewart
The 1970s was a fertile period for political action in New Zealand This story supports an exhibition of images from that period that was at Te Auaha Wellington in February 2023. See an on-line version of the exhibition at www.1970sprotestphotos.nz.
Anti-Apartheid, Peace, Elderly, Environment, Housing, International Solidarity, Gay Rights, Tino Rangatiratanga, Anti-Racism, Civil Liberties, Women's Rights, Trade Union Action
Laying a peace wreath at the Wellington Cenotaph- 1970
Uploaded by DigitalNZ user Keith Stewart
Muldoon at demonstration
Uploaded by DigitalNZ user Keith Stewart
Wellington University students march against 1970 Rugby tour to South Africa
Uploaded by DigitalNZ user Keith Stewart