New content partners and collections — May 2023

Posted on 05 May 2023 by Kelly

It’s the season for harvesting pumpkins, and also new DigitalNZ collections. Nau mai, haere mai to our new content partners Canterbury Centre for Historic Photography and Film, Te Ūaka The Lyttelton Museum, Katherine Mansfield House and Garden, Te Pataka Toi Adam Art Gallery, Clutha District Libraries, Wellington City Council Archives, and Cromwell Museum. We are also thrilled to bring in a new collection from Auckland Libraries — Auckland Libraries YouTube.

Te Pataka Toi Adam Art Gallery

Oil painting of a mountain stream.

Image: Mountain stream, 1948, painting by John Weeks. All rights reserved. Item from Te Pataka Toi Adam Art Gallery.

Canterbury Photography Museum

Four dodgem boats.

Image: The dodgem boats on the roof of Hays Building, Christchurch, c.1935. All rights reserved. Item from Canterbury Photography Museum.

Te Ūaka The Lyttelton Museum

Framed picture of a steam ship.

Image: The ‘Poolta’, 1921, artwork by Murray Robinson, 1976. All rights reserved. Item from Te Ūaka The Lyttelton Museum.

Katherine Mansfield House and Garden

Portrait of Katherine Mansfield.

Image: Portrait photograph of Katherine Mansfield, inscribed with the text ‘Your sister K’. All rights reserved. Item from Katherine Mansfield House and Garden.

Clutha District Libraries

A group of people wearing 1920s-era clothing and walking sticks standing in front of a hut.

Image: Tramping Party at Glade House, Milford Track, 1920s. No known copyright. Photo from Clutha District Libraries.

Wellington City Council Archives

Troops marching down a street lined with people.

Image: US Marines marching in formation down Lambton Quay, 1942. No known copyright. Item from Wellington City Council Archives.

Cromwell Museum

Cover of a catalogue showing a sketch of a horse and the title 'Illustrated price list'.

Catalogue, Illustrated price list of horse related products, 1 January 1906. No known copyright. Item from Cromwell Museum.

Auckland Libraries YouTube

A crowd of people on the water's edge with the text overlaid 'Auckland Libraries Heritage Talks presents: 100 years of music on the North Shore'.

Image: 100 years of live music on Auckland's North Shore, Heritage Talk by Gareth Shute, 22 June 2022. From Auckland City Libraries YouTube collection.

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