Scots immigrants in New Zealand
A DigitalNZ Story by Zokoroa
This story traces the arrival of Scots as explorers with Captain Cook, sealers, whalers, missionaries and immigrant settlers; and shares Scottishness in NZ.
Scotland, Scots, Scottish, Scotch, immigrants, immigration, emigrants, settlers, explorers, sealers, whalers
This story traces notable moments in the arrival of Scots from the time of Captain Cook onwards - explorers, sealers, whalers, missionaries and settlers. Perhaps you have a Scottish ancestor or know of someone who does - prior to 1920 about 25 per cent of migrants to NZ were Scottish. Many aspects of Scottish culture and traditions have become part of New Zealand life.
[Pipe band, Beaumont autumn race-meeting, Wingatui racecourse, Mosgiel, Dunedin]
Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira
Uniquely Scottish in NZ:
When you think of 'Scots in New Zealand', what springs to mind - bagpipes, Highland dancing, Clan names, Scotch thistle, Scottish terriers, and singing 'Auld Lang Syne' on New Year's eve!? What else!?
The Endeavour's crew included Scots (1769).
HMS Endeavour
Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga
Botanist Joseph Banks brought along Scottish artist Sydney Parkinson.
Sydney Parkinson, botanical draughtsman
University of Otago
Parkinson's portraits were the first known visual record of the tattooing, clothing and adornment of Māori.
The head of a New Zealander by Sydney Parkinson
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
THE 'HMS DISCOVERY' (1791) & 'Pegasus' (1809)
Capt. George Vancouver's 'Discovery' arrived in Dusky Sound on 2 Nov 1791
On board was Scots naturalist Dr Archibald Menzies who collected mosses & liverworts.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
The 'Pegasus' charted Port Pegasus (Stewart Island) in 1809
Scots William Stewart named Stewart Island when First Officer on board.
Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga
The establishment of a British penal colony at Port Jackson (Sydney) in 1788 led to increased contact with the British and Australians. Sydney’s merchant and commercial communities looked at trade opportunities, and sealers and whalers started operating in NZ's northern and southern waters.
In 1826, Scottish sealer & whaler Cptn William Stewart set up ship-building, flax & trading settlement at Port Pegasus.
STEWART, Captain William W.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Scots Hector McDonald set up a shore-whaling station at Kapiti Island in 1832; then turned to trading in 1840.
Hector McDonald Snr
Kete Horowhenua
After arriving in NZ in 1836, Alexander Fyffe worked in whaling; then set up Waiopuka whaling station at Kaikōura, 1842.
Fyffe House, Kaikōura
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
When Scottish whalers, traders and farmers settled in New Zealand, many married women from local iwi. (See Te Ara)
Whaler & trader John Love married Mere Ruru Te Hikanui from Ngāti Te Whiti; then moved to Te Awaiti, 1834.
Te Awaiti Bay, Tory Channel, with whaling station
Alexander Turnbull Library
Tini (Mary Burns) born c1846 was 3rd of 4 children of Richard Burns, a farmer at Moeraki, & Pukio Iwa of Ngāi Tuahuriri.
Tini Kerei Taiaroa, who spent much of her long life caring for her children, grandchildren and extended family
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Whaler & trader "Scotch Jock" (John Nicol) married Kahe Te Rau-o-te-Rangi (Betty) & moved to Paekākāriki in 1847.
Scotch Jocks - road over the mountains to Porirua.
University of Otago
Grandson of whaler Hector McDonald whose first wife Te Kopi (niece of Te Rauparaha) had a son in 1848.
Hugh McDonald
Kete Horowhenua
Chapter 2: Who were migrants from scotland?
Researchers into British migration to New Zealand can consult shipping lists which include passenger names (see New Zealand Shipping Index). A Register of Scottish Immigrants to New Zealand arriving before 1 January 1921 was compiled by the New Zealand Society of Genealogists' Scottish Interest Group, which comprises information supplied by descendants. This register has been extended to include arrivals before 1 January 1951. An article by NZ History lists the gender and nationality of migrants to NZ from 1840 - 1852: Scottish men (20.6%) and women (20.7%). Also see a doctoral thesis profile of Scots covering from 1840-1920.
New Zealand Shipping List has been digitised
Researchers can look up passenger names; then check birth & baptismal records, marriage certificates & censuses. etc.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Scottish people constituted about 20% of all British migrants to NZ: 1840 - 1852
The nationality and gender of migrants shows Scottish men (20.6%) and women (20.7%).
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
B. Origins of Scottish settlers
The available data suggests that most of the pre-1840 Scots-born arrivals came from the Eastern Lowlands (notably Edinburgh), followed by the Western Lowlands (both Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire), and the Highlands (notably Ross-shire) and the Far North (notably Caithness). Between 1840 and the 1970s, many thousands of Scots emigrated to New Zealand. As described by Te Ara: "They were not refugees from the Highland Clearances, but they were of modest means, typically farmers and artisans such as weavers, and later tradespeople and skilled workers. They left harsh economic times for a better life."
Regional origin of Scots: 1842-1915
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
NZ Census - Born in Scotland: 1858 - 2013
NZ Census: 1858 (7,976), 1901 (47,858), 1951 (44,089), 1976 (47,827), 2001 (28,680), 2006 (29,016), 2013 (25,953).
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
NZ Census - Ethnic identity: 2006, 2013
People were asked to indicate ethnic group/s with which they identified: Scottish: 2006 (15,039) & 2013 (14,412).
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Chapter 3: Pre-TREATY of waitangi - "Free" MIGRANTS
Prior to the Treaty of Waitangi (1840) there were "free" migrants (i.e. non-assisted) from Scotland who sought opportunities in NZ.
A. 1800 - 1830s: Scots settlers arrive in Northland
Two Scots arrive at Hōreke in Hokianga Harbour, c.1826
Two Sydney-based Scots, David Ramsay & Gordon Browne, established an early European trading & shipbuilding.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
'Rosanna' ship arrives in Hokianga, 1826
Four ‘Scotch carpenters’ stay on in Hokianga. After ship sailed onto Sydney, some Scots returned to Northland in 1827.
Alexander Turnbull Library
Scots from Caithness settled in Bay of Islands in late 1830s
Previously English missionary settlers had arrived in 1814 at Rangihoua & Samuel Marsden held their 1st Xmas service.
Auckland Libraries
B. 1830s: British protection for settlers & Māori
The arrival of Scots, other Europeans and American sperm-whalers from the early 1820s saw Kororāreka (later renamed Russell) become a large whaling port. The expansion in trade and settlement activities saw whalers, other seafarers, merchants and missionaries mix with adventurers, deserters and escaped convicts from Australia. The Governor of New South Wales had been monitoring the developments in NZ. However, with increasing concerns over the impact the changes had on local Māori, the British government appointed James Busby as British Resident in NZ in 1833.
British Govt appointed Edinburgh-born James Busby as British Resident who was based at Waitangi, 1833-1840
Role: To protect "well disposed settlers and traders", "prevent outrages" against Māori, & apprehend escaped convicts.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
French colony threat: Charles de Thierry purchased land in Hokianga
He had met missionary Thomas Kendall at Cambridge College in 1820 who purchased land on his behalf. in 1822.
Auckland Libraries
When tribal war affected settlers, Busby sent word & Captain William Hobson arrived on frigate 'Rattlesnake' (1837)
Busby, Hobson & Samuel Marsden spoke with Ngāpuhi chiefs to reconcile them, & warn against violence to British subjects.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Hobson appointed as Foreign Consul & Lieutenant Governor (1839-41)
Hobson to obtain land from Māori 'by fair and equal contracts' & resell to settlers at profit to fund future operations.
Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga
Busby & Hobson drafted the Treaty of Waitangi (1840) which was translated by missionary Henry Williams
The Treaty thwarted de Thierry's plans to still set up a French colony after he arrived in Hokianga on 4 Nov 1837.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Chapter 4: Post-Treaty - Settlement schemes
A. 1840S: Treaty of Waitangi
Following the formalising of sovereignty with the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, there were structured settlement schemes for migrants from Great Britain and Ireland. Two types of emigrants left Scotland - as well as "free" emigrants, there were "assisted" emigrants who qualified to receive land grants as part of a settlement scheme. Most immigrants received assistance from either the New Zealand Company, which had been set up by Edward Gibbon Wakefield, or from a government or church association formed to encourage immigration.
Colonial Secretary's Office established (1841) to handle creation of NZ's public service
British William Shortland appointed by Hobson; then replaced by Paisley-born Andrew Sinclair from 1844-56.
Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira
Settlement schemes became more structured & large numbers of Scots arrived in 1840s on assisted immigration
Majority were from the Lowlands or Borders—mostly Lanarkshire & Midlothian (counties that include Glasgow & Edinburgh).
National Library of New Zealand
Scottish farmers were experiencing falling cattle prices, a decline of the kelp industry, and the potato famine in the Highlands that began in the mid-1840s. New Zealand offered Scots migrants the opportunity for a better life – and the chance to shape a new society.
> New ZEALAND Company ship 'Bengal Merchant'
New Zealand Bill 1839
Bill for the provisional government of British settlements.
National Library of New Zealand
New Zealand Company ship 'Bengal Merchant', Feb 1840
Single women going out as servants to cabin passengers, or in charge of married emigrants, received a free passage.
Alexander Turnbull Library
Mary and David McEwan arrive on the 'Bengal Merchant'
he 'Bengal Merchant' arrived with c.120 Scots at Port Nicholson in Feb 1840.
Palmerston North City Library
The Scotch kirk (church) opened on Lambton Quay, 1844 - first Presbyterian Church in NZ
The congregation was founded four years earlier by the Reverend John Macfarlane.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
> New Zealand Company ship 'Blenheim'
New Zealand Company ship 'Blenheim', Dec 1840
The 'Blenheim' arrived with c.200 Scots; many settled north of Wellington at Kaiwharawhra - "the Scotch settlement".
Alexander Turnbull Library
> Other migrant ship arrivals
Letter describing feelings and experiences written on board the 'Clydeside'
Donald Gollan describes his feelings on leaving Scotland, his family and friends to voyage to Wellington in 1841.
Alexander Turnbull Library
Rev. James Duncan was sent by the Reformed Church of Scotland in 1843 as the first Presbyterian Missionary to the Māori
He arrived on the 'Phoebe' and settled at Te Awahou (Foxton) and worked among the Manawatu Māori until 1872.
Kete Horowhenua
Nelson: New Zealand Company
The New Zealand Company claimed their negotiator Colonial William Wakefield (brother of Edward) purchased land at Port Whakatū (Nelson) and Wairau from Ngāti Toa in 1839. In 1843, the Nelson colonists were keen to also occupy the Wairau Valley (70kms south-east of Nelson). This led to conflict with Te Rauparahau of Ngāti Toa who disagreed, obstructing surveyors and destroying their huts. Fighting broke out and the surrendered Europeans were killed. (See NZHistory)
New Zealand Company purchased land at Nelson (1839); sites surveyed (1841); & settlers arrived (1842)
The Fifeshire arrived in Nelson on 1 Feb 1842 with immigrants.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Fighting broke out in 1843 when surveying land at Wairau which Ngāti Hoa disputed had been purchased
Te Rauparahau of Ngāti Toa obstructed surveyors, destroyed their huts and killed surrendered prisoners.
Auckland Libraries
Alarm amongst settlers at the killings at Wairau
Incoming Governor, Robert FitzRoy, enraged settlers by arguing that the Europeans had provoked Ngāti Toa.
National Library of New Zealand
AUCKLAND: Scottish Colonisation company
Information about ship and passenger arrivals to Auckland is held by Auckland Council Libraries.
Scots William Brown & John Logan Campbell were 'free' emigrants & arrived in 1840
They started Auckland's first merchant firm 'Brown and Campbell' in a tent.
Auckland Libraries
First colonists wave: 3 ships arrive from River Clyde, 184
Scottish Colonisation Company sailed 3 ships from River Clyde to Cornwallis Point, where monument now stands.
Auckland Libraries
Second wave: 'Duchess of Argyle' & 'Jane Gifford', 1842
In 1842, Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners sailed 500+ from Paisley (where textile industry was in recession).
Auckland Libraries
Highlander Donald McLean becomes Government official, including land agent, 1844-63
Arrived in Auckland in 1840 to work for Sydney merchant firm; appointed to Govt roles, & became a politician in 1866.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
'Duchess of Argyle' & 'Jane Gifford' reunion, 1894
Reunion of early colonists from 'Duchess of Argyle' and 'Jane Gifford' held in 1894.
Auckland Libraries
With the passing of the NZ Constitution Act 1846, NZ became divided into twp provinces - New Munster and New Ulster. The new Constitution Act 1852 enabled the General Assembly of New Zealand to make laws regulating the sale, disposal, and occupation of Crown land and authorised the division of New Zealand into six provinces.
Edward Gibbon Wakefield's New Zealand Company had proposed NZ should have representative institutions
When Treaty still being signed, new settlers arrived in Wellington & set up their own Council, which Hobson disbanded.
National Library of New Zealand
George Grey appointed Governor (1845) & NZ Constitution Act (1846) divided NZ into 2 provinces: New Munster & New Ulster
Both had a Legislative & Executive Council led by a Lieutenant-Governor who reported to Governor Grey.
The new NZ Constitution Act (1852) divided NZ into 6 provinces self-governed by elected councils
Under the New Provinces Act (1858) provision was made to add additional provinces.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
B. Crown sold land to settlers
The Crown sold land at £1 an acre with higher prices in the Wakefield settlements – £3 an acre in Canterbury and £2 in Otago. In 1853, Governor Grey issued regulations to reduce the price of rural land outside the Canterbury and Otago blocks to 10s. or 5s. an acre. This policy did not end up leading to greater numbers of poorer settlers but allowed speculators and pastoralists to take up large areas particularly in the South Island, Hawke's Bay, and Wairarapa, where the major areas of available land existed. Those who could not afford to take up pastoral land and buy the sheep to stock it, turned to market gardening or dairying on small farms, in many cases engaging in casual work to increase their income.
North Island provinces (1852): Auckland, New Plymouth & Wellington
Hawkes Bay separated from Wellington on 1 Nov 1858 and New Plymouth changed its name to Taranaki.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
South Island provinces (1852): Canterbury, Nelson & Otago
Marlborough separated from Nelson on 1 Nov 1859; and Southland from Otago on 1 April 1861.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
C. Canterbury settlement founded
Prior to the founding of the Canterbury settlement in 1850, several Scots moved south from Wellington. Organised groups of settlers on Canterbury Association vessels arrived between December 1850-1853. The ships arriving between 1853-1855 came independently. From 1855-1870 the Canterbury Provincial Government was in charge of immigration to Canterbury and had an emigration agent stationed in London. (See Christchurch City Libraries)
Several Scots moved south from Wellington in 1840s
Brothers John & William Deans moved to Riccarton (1843) and established first successful farm on Canterbury Plains.
Canterbury Museum
Clydesdale horses arrive from 1842 onwards
Newspaper reports mention Clydesdales arriving as early as 1842.
Palmerston North City Library
Plaque commemorating Scottish pioneers of 1840s
Christchurch City Libraries
Canterbury Association vessels arrived between Dec 1850-1853
First four ships were the 'Charlotte Jane', 'Randolph', 'Sir George Seymour', & 'Cressy'.
Alexander Turnbull Library
From 1855-1870 the Canterbury Provincial Government was in charge of immigration
An emigration agent was stationed in London.
National Library of New Zealand
Scots William Cargill was elected as the Canterbury province's Superintendent, 1853-1860
Captain William Cargill (1784-1860) was born in Edinburgh and arrived in NZ on the 'John Wickliffe', 1848.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Scottish shepherds were recruited
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Border collie sheepdog
The Scottish shepherd & border collie were familiar figures on runs in the South Island, Wairarapa and Hawke’s Bay.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
John & Allan McLean - largest numbers of sheep from 1852
The brothers owned land in runs in Canterbury, Otago, and Morven Hills.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Notorious Scotsman James Mackenzie and his dog 'Friday' rustled sheep, 1855
Mackenzie & Friday drove 1,000 sheep from Levels station north of Timaru south to the Mackenzie Country in March 1855.
Alexander Turnbull Library
Don Reid's Salisbury estate in north Taieri, 1856
Land purchased 1856 to grow wheat & oats; then grazed sheep & cattle from mid-1860s.
National Library of New Zealand
Birthplace of Canterbury's assisted immigrants from UK during 1854-74: 19.9% were Scottish
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
D. Otago - Influx arrived after 1848
The settling of Otago and Dunedin in the 1840s was organised by the New Zealand Company and its offshoot the Otago Association, as a (Presbyterian) Free Church of Scotland settlement. The recruitment scheme in Scotland, together with the direct departure from Scottish ports in addition to the River Thames, led to an influx of Otago settlers arriving after 1848. Over half of Otago’s United Kingdom-born population of 403 was Scottish. New Zealand Land Company purchased Otago block from Ngāi Tahu (31 July 1844) for £2,400 & gained legal title in 1847. Negotiations held by Local Government to allocate land for council use and for purchasing by settlers.
Otago chosen in 1840 for settlement
Initial supporters were Scots George Rennie & William Cargill, & the Lay Association of the Free Church of Scotland.
National Library of New Zealand
John McGlashan appointed secretary in Scotland for the Otago Association, 1847
He oversaw the arrangements for the dispatch of 12 of the first 14 ships; then emigrated to NZ in 1853.
University of Otago
Two New Zealand Company ships, 'Philip Laing' & 'John Wickliffe', set sail in 1847
Settlers boarded a ferry on Loch Goil to journey to Greenock, to set sail on 'Philip Laing' to NZ.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
The ship 'John Wickliffe' arrived on 23 March 1848 with 97 migrants
Sailed on 22 April from Gravesend (on River Thames). Migrants included many Scots, & agent Captain William Cargill.
Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga
Reunion of 'John Wickliffe' settlers, 1909
National Library of New Zealand
Reverend Thomas Burns selected passengers for the ship 'Philip Laing'
But rather than for religious reasons, most came to escape hardship or advance themselves economically.
Alexander Turnbull Library
The ship 'Philip Laing' arrived on 15 April 1848 with 247 migrants
Sailed on 27 Nov 1847 from Greenock on River Clyde. On board was Rev Burns (nephew of poet Robbie Burns) & his family.
National Library of New Zealand
The Lay Association founded Dunedin in 1848
The new settlement was originally to have been named New Edinburgh but that was changed to Dunedin.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Lots of land in Dunedin allocated to settlers before leaving Scotland
Modest houses, a store & a school, which was also used as the church, were constructed.
Alexander Turnbull Library
Public meeting on Scottish settlement of Otago, 20 Dec 1848
University of Otago
View of Dunedin in 1849
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Early settlers of emigrant ships & descendants, 1908
Two-thirds of the original Otago settlers were Free Church Presbyterians.
National Library of New Zealand
Chapter 6: land Grant schemes: 1850s
The Waste Lands Act 1858 set out general conditions on which provinces could deal with Crown lands - control the land and the revenue that passed into the hands of the Provincial Councils. Auckland introduced the sale of rural land on credit, and Wellington adopted a similar method of sale on deferred payments. Auckland and Otago adopted a ballot system for dealing with two or more applications for the same land, but later followed the pattern of offering land by auction used in the other provinces. (See Te Ara)
A. Scots in Northland via nova scotia: 1850–1860
North Island provincial government initiatives such as Auckland’s land grants scheme attracted Scottish migrant groups, including the followers of the Reverend Norman McLeod who settled at Waipū in Northland.
Preacher Norman McLeod & Scots arrive in Northland (1854) from Nova Scotia
McLeod left Scotland in 1817 for Nova Scotia; then led his people facing hardship to Australia in 1851; then to NZ.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Scots mostly Highlanders & purchased land in Waipū
More Scots joined them from Nova Scotia & direct from Scotland. Total no. exceeded 800.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Waipū's surving settlers, 1915
Auckland Libraries
Memorial to Waipū's settlement by Scots
In 1918 the oldest of the original pioneers still living in Waipū was photographed sitting on the monument’s base.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Chapter 7: SCOTS join gold rush: 1860-1870
Scot John Buchanan discovered gold, 1858
Buchanan was the first to find gold in March 1858 at the Tuapeka and Clutha rivers.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Scottish goldminers were mostly migrants from the Shetland Islands
Alexander Turnbull Library
Merchant: 'Russell, Ritchie & Co' (1873) & 'National Mortgage & Agency Co' (1877) in Dunedin
John MacFarlane Ritchie joined firm (1865); became partner (1873); then manager when firm taken over by NMA (1877).
National Library of New Zealand
The numbers of Scots in Otago and their wealth from gold contributed to many of NZ's early leading firms being founded in Dunedin.
Scots James Hector arrived in 1862 to conduct a 3 year geological survey of Otago after gold was found
He founded the Colonial Museum (Te Papa), Geological Survey (GNS Science), NZ Institute, & Geological Gardens.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
James Little developed new breed of wool-producing sheep called Corriedale
Little arrived in Otago in 1864 & cross-bred Romney Marsh & Merinos; then Lincoln rams & Merinos.
Alexander Turnbull Library
C. Missionary settlers in otago
MISSIONARY MEETING. (Otago Witness, 28 January 1871)
National Library of New Zealand
SYNOD OF OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND. (Otago Daily Times, 18 January 1876)
National Library of New Zealand
Scot James Macandrew proposed high school
High School of Dunedin (1861) set up & evolved into Otago Boys' High School (1863).
Auckland Libraries
Scot Learmonth White Dalrymple long campaigned for a high school for girls
Otago Girls’ High School, NZ’s first girls’ secondary school, opened in 1871 with a Scottish principal, Margaret Burn.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Otago Education scheme, 1870
Teacher qualifications corresponded "to the qualifications required of the parish schoolmasters of Scotland."
National Library of New Zealand
University of Otago first student in-take in 1871
NZs first university established.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
chapter 8: NZ LAND Wars & MILITIA settlers: 1860-1870
Scots settlers were amongst those that served in the Volunteer Rifle Companies during the New Zealand Wars. Between 1860 and 1870 around 12,000 men, including Scots, from British imperial regiments and the Royal Navy also served in the Wars. (See Soldiers of Empire). Auckland Libraries has developed the database New Zealand Militia, Volunteers and Armed Constabulary 1863 to 1871. Militia and their families were allotted free grants of land to settle under the Waste Lands Act 1859 and the subsequent 'The Naval and Military Settlers' Act 1860. Immigrants were encouraged to settle in the Waikato. (See Archives NZ: Waikato Immigration)
Militia allotted free land under Waste Lands Act 1859 & Naval and Military Settlers' Act 1860
The University of Auckland Library
The New Zealand Settlements Act, 1863
Governor Grey called for Māori to take an oath of allegiance to the Crown or forfeit their lands.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Following the NZ Wars, settlers were allotted confiscated land in Taranaki, Waikato & Bay of Plenty
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Gold dredge on the Buller River
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
chapter 9: Large-scale Government IMMIGRAtion: 1870s
The early 1870s marked the beginning of a co-ordinated central government programme of state assistance for willing immigrants.
A. Immigration and Public Works Act, 1870
By 1870, with a drop in wool prices and gold production in decline, NZ was in a depression. Colonial Treasurer Julius Vogel "believed that borrowing overseas funds could pay both for building railways and roads, and for large-scale immigration. This would not only create an economic boom; the new immigrants could settle on land purchased and confiscated from Māori, to engender social order and ‘British civilisation.’" (Source: Te Ara,) The Immigration and Public Works Act 1870 created the position of agent general in London to promote immigration.
Colonial Treasurer Julius Vogel's vision for economic boom
Proposed borrowing £20 million to provide assisted passage for building railways, telegraph lines & roads.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Immigration and Public Works Act 1870 passed & agents appointed to boost immigration
One agent general was appointed in London in 1871. By 1873 there were 78 in Scotland, 53 in England & 46 in Ireland.
The University of Auckland Library
Newspaper advertisements and posters called for married agricultural labourers and single female domestic servants, provided they were ‘sober, industrious, of good moral character, of sound mind and in good health.’ Canterbury and other South Island areas received more Scottish immigrants with farming backgrounds than other parts of the country. By 1882 the Scots owned about half the farms in NZ of more than 40 hectares. In 1892, 40% of those owning more than 4,000 hectares were Scots.
Facts to attract Scottish emigrants
Special efforts were made to recruit married agricultural labourers and single female domestic servants.
National Library of New Zealand
Fare of £5 per adult waived (1873-79) & travel was free until 1890 to boost migrants
NZ residents could nominate friends and relatives to come and join them.
National Library of New Zealand
Just over a fifth of all immigrants were from Scotland
Most were from the Lowlands, but also included the Western Highlands and Shetland Islands.
National Library of New Zealand
C. SHETLAND ISLANDERS arrive in significant numbers:
During the mid-late 19th Century, the Highland Clearances continued to take place in the Highlands and western islands of Scotland. Tenants were evicted from their rented land to allow the landowners to establish large sheep farms. With the evictions coinciding with the offer of assisted passage, Shetlanders arrived in significant numbers in the 1870s - around 1,200 (see Te Ara). Targeted special settlements were established across NZ by the the provincial governments. One special settlement was that of Stewart Island, where a significant group of Shetland Islanders settled.
In 1870s some Shetlanders went to Port William on Stewart Island
Fishermen and seamen were among the Shetlanders (and again from 1916-1945).
Auckland Libraries
Shetlanders farming on Campbell Island
In 1904–8, a group of Shetlanders made an unsuccessful effort to farm on bleak Campbell Island.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Other Shetlanders settled at Karamea on the West Coast
Alexander Turnbull Library
A Shetlander woman knitting as she walks
The skill of knitting has become part of NZ's popular culture.
Alexander Turnbull Library
Shetlanders later became concentrated in Wellington; many worked as fishermen
The Island Bay fishermen's rugby team with Shetlanders and Italians.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Shetland Society was formed in 1922
Published "Chips off the Auld Rock: Shetlanders in New Zealand" (1997) for its 75th anniversary.
National Library of New Zealand
D. Farm-based INDUSTRIES developed - DAIRY & FROZEN MEAT
Otago Peninsula Co-operative Cheese Factory Co was first dairy processing operation, 1871
Scottish couple John & Catherine Mathieson & neighbouring farmers at Springfield formed the company.
National Library of New Zealand
William Davidson was Manager of New Zealand and Australian Land Company from 1878
By 1880, Davidson had explored meat preserving, dairying & refrigerated transport.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Ship 'Dunedin' carrying 1st frozen meat shipment, 1882
Scot Thomas Brydone helped set up frozen meat industry.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
E. Economic DEPRESSION: LATE 1870S-1880s
Several of the provinces had financial problems and experienced issues over immigration and funding public works. The situation was compounded by a slump in wool prices and decline in gold production. A downturn in immigrants with farming backgrounds began in 1870s until early 20th Century.
Following collapse of City Bank of Glasgow (1878), there was a contraction of credit by the City of London
With reduced credit available to NZ, farmers went bankrupt and there was a lack of jobs for rural workers.
National Library of New Zealand
Factory workers experienced exploitative labour conditions
National Library of New Zealand
F. Provinces replaced by COUNTIES: LATE 1870S - 1880S
As a result of tensions occurring between provincial and central government administration, provincial government came to an end under the Abolition of Provinces Act 1875. The provinces were then replaced by the county system under the Counties Act 1876. in 1886 the Scots-born living in NZ peaked at 54,810; then the number of Scots started to decline. Scots were among those who moved to Australia from a depressed NZ. (See Hocken and Te Ara)
Counties Act (1876) replaced provinces
With tensions occurring between provincial and central government, provincial government abolished.
National Library of New Zealand
Scots Robert Stout was appointed Prime Minister, 1884-1887
Failure of his policies to stave off economic depression led to downfall of his Cabinet in 1887.
Alexander Turnbull Library
Scots emigrate from Glasgow, 1884
Settlers arrive on board the Clyde-built iron clipper ship 'Saraca'.
Alexander Turnbull Library
The Waikākahi homestead and descendants of settlers
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
CHAPTER 10: EBBS & FLOWS in SCOTS migration: 1890S–1945
In 1890, the New Zealand Government discontinued the practice of NZ residents nominating particular people, such as near relatives, for concessional passages. It was reintroduced in a modified form in 1906. During the first half of the 20th century, war and economic depression impacted on immigration at various times.
A. Immigration flux until WWI
Refrigeration contributed to growing prosperity & increased immigrants
Refrigerated shipping enabled frozen meat, butter and cheese to be transported to Britain.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
More than 16,000 Scots arrived between 1906-1916
In 1912 & 1913, 47% of Scots adult males described themselves as skilled, compared with 36% from England & Wales.
National Library of New Zealand
B. ASSISTED PASSAGE - WWI VETERANS & British/Irish descent
During the demobilisation after World War One, the Overseas Settlement Committee provided assisted passages for ex-service men and women. The Immigration Restriction Amendment Act 1920 proclaimed the principle of free entry for people of British or Irish birth or descent. Other nationalities were allowed entry only at the discretion of the Minister.
The Immigration Restriction Amendment Act 1920 proclaimed the principle of free entry for British & Irish
Scots migrants had to await the availability of shipping which had been restricted by WWI.
National Library of New Zealand
Scots served in New Zealand Expeditionary Force
Of the 145,624 NZEF soldiers examined by NZ military authorities between 1916-18, 6279 were born in Scotland.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
C. Economic Depression increased Scots arrivals - 1930s
Between the First and Second World Wars, the number of Scots coming to NZ increased dramatically. Many were trying to escape the economic hardship caused by the decline of the traditional heavy industries in Scotland after the short-lived post-war boom. Scottish industry mostly produced goods for export rather than for the domestic market, and downturns affected particular industries or particular regions in Scotland. Mass unemployment, particularly among skilled male workers, was high - in the shipbuilding industry, the average rate of unemployment in the 1920s was 29%. Assistance schemes encouraged many Scots to look to New Zealand for opportunities.
Overseas Settlement Committee offered free passage to ex-service women & men, & their wives
About 3,000 wives of NZ soldiers who married abroad and their 600 children arrived in NZ.
National Library of New Zealand
1930s Depression: Shetlander Jack Tait fishing for groper in Cook Strait
Tait helped form Wellington Fishermen's Cooperative unit to give security of income.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
D. WORLD WAR TWO - Arrival of Scots refugee children
Two regiments were affiliated with Black Watch
Forerunners include Highland Companies, and the Dunedin Highland Rifles.
Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira
Highland Companies
Forerunners of the Regiments include Highland Companies, and the Dunedin Highland Rifles.
Auckland Libraries
New Zealand Scottish Regiment, 1940
Auckland Libraries
The Waipū Caledonian Society roll of honour for WWI is displayed in the Waipu Museum.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
New arrivals of Scottish children at Presbyterian Boys’ & Girls’ Home, 1940
Alexander Turnbull Library
Scottish children arrive under Overseas Reception Scheme, 1940 - 1953
Scot immigrants included orphans & young children without family support.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Chapter 11: Free and assisted immigration: 1947-1975
In 1845 a Dominion Population Committee was appointed to study ways of increasing the country’s population to meet a labour shortage. The Committee supported migration, preferably from Britain, of those who could work in secondary and tertiary industries. The Department of Labour's immigration function was transferred to a newly-created "Immigration Division" and district offices were opened in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. A Migration Office was also opened in London opposite the New Zealand High Commission and free and assisted passages were introduced in 1947. This led to another surge of migrants who settled in various areas of New Zealand until assisted immigration ended in 1975. Between 1947 and 1975, 77,000 men, women and children arrived from Great Britain under the assisted immigration scheme. The outcome was that Otago and Southland were no longer predominantly Scottish centres with the Scottish population fairly evenly distributed around NZ.
From 1947-1975, free & assisted passage offered to immigrants who'd meet a labour shortage
Focus was not on farmers or domestic servants, but on skills for secondary and tertiary industries.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Dpt of Labour opened Migration Office in London & advertised in newspapers, trade journals & trade fairs
The New Zealand High Commission in London interviewed applicants who brought along birth certificates and references.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Sandra Wright, a young Scottish immigrant, arriving on the ship `Atlantis', 1951
Preference for single people due to housing shortage. They were bonded for 2 years & initially lived in barracks.
Alexander Turnbull Library
Glaswegian Mrs McDowall arriving on `Atlantis', 1951
Preference for people aged 20 to 35 year olds, but upper age extended to 45 in 1950.
Alexander Turnbull Library
Full assistance scheme from 1946-1975
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Southern Cross brought many UK immigrants from 1955-1971
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Chapter 12: What's been happening Since 1975?
With rising unemployment in NZ, assisted immigration ceased in 1975. All prospective migrants, British and non-British (Australians were exempted), had to obtain entry permits, and right of residence became based on skills and qualifications, not ethnicity or national origin. The Immigration Act 1987 also emphasised skills and qualifications needed in the domestic economy. In 1991 the National government introduced a points system using criteria of age, skills, education and capital. For further information on legislative changes, see New Zealand Parliament: Immigration chronology: selected events 1840-2008.
Immigration Act 1987: Entry permit for British & non-British emphasised skills & qualifications
The Act also gave humanitarian recognition of reuniting families, & commitment to accept 800 refugees.
National Library of New Zealand
In 1991, points system introduced: age, education, business, profession & assets
Through the 1990s, number of English and Scots fell, and by 2006 those born in the UK were less than 25% of immigrants.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Almost half of Scottish people living in NZ in 2013 had professional or managerial occupations
Plus, around one-third worked in trade or manual occupations.
Scotch Broom
iNaturalist NZ — Mātaki Taiao
Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull - Heather, ling, Scottish heather
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research
Ayrshire bull
Alexander Turnbull Library
Scottish Highland Cattle
iNaturalist NZ — Mātaki Taiao
Pinus sylvestris L. - Scotch pine, Scots pine
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research
Red Deer
iNaturalist NZ — Mātaki Taiao
A Scotch champion black-faced ram
Auckland Libraries
CHAPTER 14: Influence of Scots in New ZeAland
Place names:
Cities, towns and streets bear the names of Scottish places and rivers
Dunedin is from 'Dun Eideann', the Scottish Gaelic for Edinburgh
Auckland Libraries
Clutha is Gaelic for Glasgow’s river Clyde
Alexander Turnbull Library
Caledonian gatherings (Caledonia is the Latin word for North Britain) celebrated Scottish identity. New Zealand’s first Caledonian society was formed in 1862. Scottish, Burns, Highland and St Andrew’s societies also flourished. A national magazine "The New Zealand Scot" was published under various titles from 1908 - 1933. Today, the national magazine Scotia Pacific, is published six-monthly by the Piping and Dancing Association, which was established in 1908 as the governing body in NZ for Highland and National Dancing, and Solo Piping competitions.
Concert programme for Caledonian Society
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Caledonian Society ball programme
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
"Debutantes at Scottish Ball"
Palmerston North City Library
Living Harmony- Scottish Community of Tauranga, TRMC event 20080118
Tauranga City Libraries
Gaelic language:
Lowland Scots (Lallans dialect) of the South & East entered everyday language
Words: crib (holiday house), wee (little). Use of '-ie' or 'y' as suffix: wharfie (waterside worker), footie (football)
National Library of New Zealand
Gaelic societies attempted to keep the language alive
Gaelic spoken in areas of 19th-century NZ, including Waipū, Turakina and the Mackenzie Country.
National Library of New Zealand
Poetry, music and literature:
A love of Robert Burns’s poetry was brought to New Zealand. Burns night (25 January) vies with St Andrew’s day (30 November) as an occasion to celebrate national traditions.
Poet Robert Burns - The first Burns Club was founded in Dunedin in 1891.
Robert Burns statue
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Records, gramophone
Canterbury Museum
For Auld Lang Syne: 250 years of Robert Burns
Radio New Zealand
Dame Flora McLeod, Chief of Clan McLeod, telling Scottish fairy stories, 1955.
Dame Flora McLeod telling scottish fairy stories - Photograph taken by Lloyd Cornish
Alexander Turnbull Library
Scottish traditions:
FIRST-FOOTING" THE EXHIBITION. (Star, 01 January 1907)
National Library of New Zealand
Piping in the haggis
NZEI Te Riu Roa (New Zealand Educational Institute)
Pipe bands:
Although there were no pipers among the first Otago settlers, in the 20th century pipe bands became the face of Scottish identity in New Zealand. The first civilian pipe band was set up in Invercargill in 1896. Pipe bands were often linked to Scottish societies, which also promoted Highland dancing. The first national pipe band contest was held in Christchurch in 1907. By 1953 there were more than 100 bands in the country. In 2003 there were still over 80.
Wi' a Hundred Pipers
NZ On Screen
Centennial City
NZ On Screen
Caledonian Pipe Band Bass Drum
Raglan and District Museum
Highland dance:
Highland dancers
Christchurch City Libraries
Shirley-Anne Thomson on 70 years in highland dancing
Radio New Zealand
Highland Games at Turakina, January 2008
Alexander Turnbull Library
Tartan Day, which in New Zealand falls on 1 July, the date of the repeal proclamation in 1782 of the Act of Proscription that banned the wear of Scottish national dress.
Footwear, dancing clogs
Mataura Museum
Highland dancers
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Highland games, 1883
Bagpipers parade along Dunedin’s Princes Street en route to New Year’s Day Highland games at the Caledonian grounds.
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Nelson Provincial Museum
New Zealand Scots play the 'roarin' game' in Central Otago, South Island
Auckland Libraries
Variety at the Highland Games: Alan Cochrane tossing the sheaf
Tauranga City Libraries
Variety at the Highland Games: Alan Cochrane tossing the sheaf
Tauranga City Libraries
Variety at the Highland Games: Alan Cochrane tossing the sheaf
Tauranga City Libraries
Scots wrestling
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Gone Curling
NZ On Screen
Caber tossing - Hororata Highland Games demo in Victoria Square
Christchurch City Libraries
Tossing the sheaf
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Gaelic football, 2012
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Turakina Highland Games
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Turakina Highland Games 2014
Alexander Turnbull Library
Turakina Highland Games, 2007
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Creamoata porridge bowl
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
SCOTCH SHORTBREAD. (Poverty Bay Herald, 22 November 1910)
National Library of New Zealand
World on Your Plate: Scottish
Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira
Mr WI Urquart butcher in Levin 1958 preparing a haggis
Kete Horowhenua
SCOTCH EGGS. (Bruce Herald, 06 July 1900)
National Library of New Zealand
COCK-A-LEEKIE SOUP. (Otago Witness, 10 June 1903)
National Library of New Zealand
Campbell's Soup Can
Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki
Anecdotes about Scots and their food, 1884
National Library of New Zealand
Hokonui whisky is part of New Zealand folklore. It was unlawfully distilled in the hills behind Gore, mostly by members of a family of Catholic Highlanders, the Macraes. The whisky was distributed in secret, largely through the pipe band fraternity, from the 1870s until the 1930s, when raids by excise men shut most of the stills down.
Hokonui whiskey
Alexander Turnbull Library
Toitū Otago Settlers Museum
loom, hand
Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira
Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira
A Shetland woman knitting
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
A Paisley shawl
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Commercial branding:
The Highlander figure is believed to have been Drum Major James Macgregor of the Invercargill Pipe Band.
Highlander sweetened condensed milk
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Various well-known “Kiwis” were either born in Scotland or have Scottish ancestry. How many can you name!? Check the following list: Wikipedia: New Zealand people of Scottish descent
Sir James Fletcher (Industrialist)
Born at Kirkintilloch, Scotland
Alexander Turnbull Library
Janet Frame (Writer)
Born in NZ of Scottish parents
Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira
Winston Peters (Politician)
Born in NZ - his mother is of Scottish descent
Radio New Zealand
Further information
Links and websites
- New Zealand Parliament: Immigration chronology: selected events 1840-2008
- Te Ara: Story: Immigration regulation and Story: Scots
- Electric Scotland: This site, prepared in Scotland, is about Scots and people of Scottish descent living in New Zealand, and about Scottish immigration to NZ.
- Archives New Zealand: Waikato Immigration. Provides an overview and lists resources.
- The National Library of Scotland's Scots abroad: stories of Scottish emigration: Lists a range of resources and databases.
- A home away from 'home': This exhibition examines the question of where all British immigrants, including the Scots, came from and why.
- Homepage of the Waipu Caledonian Society: The site focuses on the annual Highland games held in one of New Zealand’s oldest Scottish settlements, Waipū. It also tells about the history of the town and the descendants of its Scottish settlers.
- Scot Clans: The Scots of New Zealand
The Highlanders
Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Here to Stay
NZ On Screen
Book, Going Abroad
Mataura Museum